How is the allergy to baby oil?

Ingredients in cow's milk: alpha-lactoglobulin, beta-lactoglobulin and casein are strong natural allergens. The immune system in infants has not yet been formed, so the children's body can give an unconventional reaction not only to milk, but also to all the products that are in its composition, including butter.allergy to oilAllergy to oil can manifest itself even froma small piecePhoto: Getty Reaction will manifest, even if the product will be consumed by a nursing mother, it will reach the baby through breast milk. Allergy to butter in a child manifests itself by such symptoms:

  • rash on the skin, red or scaly patches predominantly on the face;
  • failures in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, regurgitation, increased gas production;
  • the appearance of an allergic rhinitis, the child begins to sneeze.

Symptoms may be more or less pronounceddepending on the age of the child, the amount of food eaten and its quality. Sometimes an allergy does not appear on the components of milk, but on food additives in oil or other substances in its composition. If you have these symptoms, you need to see a doctor and determine the exact allergen. For this purpose, special tests and allergens are prescribed. While the child is very small and the woman is breastfeeding, the best solution is to temporarily completely remove the butter from your diet. It can be replaced with vegetable, olive, linseed. The doctor can prescribe a baby antihistamines, ointments for skin treatment, as well as medications that help to remove toxins from the body. If you follow the treatment plan exactly, the symptoms will disappear quickly. The older the child becomes, the less his organism is susceptible to various allergens. By the time the baby turns a year, the allergy can disappear by itself. Introducing the supplementary feeding scheme for a child who is allergic to butter, you should always consult a doctor. It is also advisable to keep a food diary to mark the amount of oil and reaction to it. With the help of these records it will be possible to observe the intensity of allergy manifestation and to reveal the acceptable dose that will not harm the child. See also:

