And again Mercedes.True, this time a children's electric car Mercedes G. And this time not from dad, but from mom. Jun 13 2016 at 11:57 PDT The second vice-miss of Russia 2012 Alena Shishkova gave her daughter Alice a luxurious gift, which she hastened to inform her subscribers on Instagram. “I decided to please my beloved baby and ordered a supercar for her - Mercedes G,” writes the rapper's former lover Timati. In the photo we see a mother and daughter - each has a premium car. Judging by which store was indicated in the signature, the car costs about 30 thousand rubles. Recall that the first car was presented to Alice by her dad - Timati. Then it was not a children's electric car, but a real Mercedes. True, such a broad gesture was acutely received by his fans. Everyone almost unanimously said that the rapper wasted money in vain, since Alice at this age would not appreciate such a generous gift. Would you give your child a baby Mercedes?

  • No, it is better to carry a typewriter by the rope and walks with legs this is useful!
  • Oh yes, all the children in the yard would be jealous!
  • Can I just rent a ride? And then an expensive purchase
  • Let mom first mom on Mercedes earn!

Voted: 448Would you give your child a children's Mercedes?

  • No, it’s better to carry a typewriter by the rope and walk with its legs is useful!
  • Oh yes, all the children in the yard would be jealous! 28.1%
  • Can I just rent a ride? And then an expensive purchase4.2%
  • Let mom first mom on Mercedes earn! 27.0%

Voted: 448

