Adults are always sad when their birthdayfalls on a weekday. And after all, you will not celebrate with pomp in the middle of the working week, when he himself is in business and guests too. Therefore, the first modest holiday for the son of Alain Vodonaev arranged a house and presented Bogdan with a berry cake: "Today, Bohdan's sixth birthday was quietly and familyly celebrated. And 28 we (or rather, our children) have a great party. Almost all invitations to the holiday I have already sent to the addressees. Preparation in full swing. Mom is on fire, my mother is in control. Although on fire, August 23 - my favorite day, "- wrote the host and did not lie, the party went really cool.

Place with atmosphere

"Birds and bees" Photo: @ pticy_i_pchely Of course, children will be bored in an adult restaurant, and their parents are unhappy in a cafe for kids. We need to find an alternative! Alena has chosen a country complex for the whole family "Birds and bees." Here the air is cleaner, and there are fewer strangers. And then there is a club with animators, that is, children will not be bored, a heated outdoor pool, labyrinth, a restaurant for every taste and even a hotel. You can not go straight after the holiday, but stay and rest.


Bogdan and AlinaPhoto: @ alenavodonaevaMembers of the holiday need friends, and adults - like-minded people. Therefore, inviting children, call and their parents. It's good if you, like Alena, are friends with them. And do not forget about the fans for girls and the music for boys. Suddenly, the first love is just around the corner and you can become her witness? Alena has become. "Bogdan's new love is Alina. He had been waiting for her since yesterday, but only at the end of the party, when the girls were already leaving, I realized that it was her. Guys. It's always late for them, "the presenter shared.

Subjects and scenery

A photo: @ alenavodonaevaAt the head of every good holiday lies the idea. Without it, the super party is just not going to work. Remember, the time when children still believe in fairy tales, flies very quickly. Therefore, hurry them to give them, until your kids are grown. What kind of heroes does the child love most? The son of Alena Bogdan likes dinosaurs, so my mother moved him to the "Jurassic Park" for one day, where lianas hang everywhere, huge palm trees grow and live ancient giants. Just a jungle in the middle of a megacity!

Quests and entertainments

A photo: @ alenavodonaevaChildren should be fun, and for this they need something to zaniyat.Poskolku Vodonaeva holiday was held in the park of dinosaurs, the tour was led by naturalists, and all the participating children became explorers. Together with his friends, the birthday boy learned a lot about the life of dinosaurs and I got acquainted with exotic animals - a tiger cub and a monkey. Before the inhabitants of the jungle, adults could not resist and photographed in vain. Here you also have the opportunity to find one for two entertainment for children and their parents. Animals are interesting to all.


Video posted at @pticy_i_pchely Aug 29, 2016 in3:35 PDT If the house can be a modest cake, then at a party with a dozen guests, sweet tooth will require an outstanding treat, which only at one glance will want to eat! Children because they love food first of all with their eyes, which means that to awaken their appetite, the cake needs choose a very beautiful and externally delicious. For Bogdan, Alain tried and ordered a cake of five tiers of different colors with figurines of gay penguins and palms. Such a surprise he will not forget for a long time.

