Actress Liv Tyler gave birth to a daughter. A photo A photo: Instagram @ misslival little The girl was called Lula Rose, and the image of a newborn instant appeared in Instagram 39-year-old actress. In the picture, the happy father holds the baby in his arms, and Liv expresses immense joy in the signature: "Hello! Our beautiful baby was born! Lula Rose Gardner, we are so happy, the heart is bursting with love! "David also published this photo on his page, signing it as follows:" Our beautiful daughter Lula Rose Gardner is incredibly beautiful, healthy and - praise the heavens - like her mother! Now the real work will start on training the older brother to become real ninjas, experts in the field of martial arts and bodyguards! " Actress Liv Tyler gave birth to a daughterA photo: Getty Images The older brother is the 16-month-old son of the Sailor couple. David, whose work (he is a football agent) has nothing to do with martial arts, does not explain why he prepared his future for his children. Probably just joking for joy. However, if all the children of David and Liv take care of karate, you will get a good team - Liv still has 11-year-old son Milo from ex-husband Royston Langdon, and David's 8-year-old son Gray from the previous marriage. Liv and David got engaged at the end of 2014, but are not yet officially married.Actress Liv Tyler gave birth to a daughterPhoto: Getty Images

