At what age can you buy a tablet

Child development is an individual matter, from thisit is worth starting off, deciding whether you need a tablet or not. The device should be useful, and not serve as a means to pay off or take a baby at least something while you have your business.tablet for babyA child under 3 years old can not give a tablet Photo: Getty Approximate age, when and why to purchase a gadget:

  • up to 3 years is not recommended to use the tablet, the child still knows the world around him and there is no need to know about the virtual one;
  • from 3 to 5 years you can give the device for 15 minutes a day to play development games, watch cartoons or photos of animals;
  • from 5 to 7 years, limit the time to 40 minutes, use the gadget for training, preparation for school, watching videos and for entertainment;
  • after 7 years you can solve the tablet for 60 minutes, 30 of which allow spending on games and communication, and the rest for classes, lessons, reading and development programs.

In case of incorrect and uncontrolled usethe tablet may cause harm. He spoils the vision, makes the child closed, the kid ceases to be interested in the world around him. Watch how the child uses the device, limit the time, upload the "necessary" applications, and then it will help him develop.

Which tablet to choose for a child

Despite the fact that electronics manufacturersproduce special children's tablets, you can choose a gift among all the gadgets. First, consider the size of the device. The best option - with a screen of 7 inches, it fits easily in children's hands and costs less. In addition to the size of the screen, its resolution is important. The more pixels, the better the image and the less the load on the eyes. The tablet menu should be as simple as possible. Well, if the device can install the program "parental control" to monitor its use. Some gadgets have a built-in timer that turns off the tablet at the set time. If the device is used by a child up to 5-6 years old, it is advisable to purchase it with a shockproof screen and casing. Now you know which tablet the child is best to give and how to use it properly. Such an acquisition will help the baby develop more actively, keeping up with the modern world. See also:

