British Chloe Bridgewater is only seven years old, but forthis little period of time she already had time to learn what a lot of pain is. A few years ago, the girl got under the car. Physically, she recovered, but morally ... But this does not prevent her, like any other child of her age, dreaming. About that, when she grows up, she will have an ideal family, ideal friends and perfect work. By the way. Perfect work? She asked this question to her dad Andy. And he showed her photos of Google's office in Silicon Valley. If you have not seen this miracle, then (be sorry for the tautology) google on the Internet. Gorki, soft pouffes and kart track so impressed the girl that she wrote a letter to the "boss of the corporation". No, we were not mistaken. I did not publish it, but I wrote it by hand. I gave it to my dad and he sent it by the most ordinary mail.A photo: @ B21DGY "Dear Google boss," the girl wrote. "My name is Chloe, and when I grow up, I want to work for you." I also want to work at a chocolate factory and participate in the Olympic Games in swimming. Dad said that working with you, I can sit in the seat-bags and drive on maps. I also love computers, I have a tablet on which I play games. Dad set me a game where you need to move the robot up and down the cells, he says that this will help me learn computers. And he promised that he would one day buy me his own computer. I am seven years old, and teachers tell my parents that I am a good person and study. Dad said that if I continue in the same spirit, then one day I will be ready to work for Google. My sister Holly is also very smart, but she loves dolls more and dress up. She is five years old. Dad said that I can send you my resume. I really do not know what that means, but he said there's enough writing. Thank you for reading my letter, maybe I will send you one more. Before that, I only wrote to Santa. "
Photo: @ andy.bridgewater.102 Is it too much? Yes, we also think it's pretty damn cute. Moreover, the "boss of Google", too, was under the impression - the charm of this sincere letter battled him on the spot. Imagine the surprise of the Bridgewater family when they received this message. And on the official form of the Internet giant.
Photo: @B21DGY"Dear Chloe.Thank you so much for your letter. I’m glad you love computers and robots. And I hope you continue to explore different technologies. I think if you put in the effort and follow your dreams, you will succeed in everything you set your mind to – from working at Google to the Olympics in swimming. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your resume when you graduate. Best wishes to you and your family.” And a signature. Guess whose? The CEO of the corporation Sundar Pichai himself. To say that the girl is happy is to say nothing. And her parents are even happier. “After my daughter was hit by a car, she lost her self-confidence,” Chloe’s dad wrote on social media. “And now she’s trying to do her best at school so she can work at Google. I didn’t even think that such a busy person would be able to find a minute to help a little girl get one step closer to her dream, although I’m not sure she understands that work is not all bean bags, slides, and go-karts.”