For a long time, the leader managed to hide from fansThe upcoming replenishment in the family, no one suspected that for several months now she had been preparing for the fourth time to become a mother. In the end, Dovlatova herself told about the happy event during the radio broadcast.Photo:Sergei Milansky Alla's friends and colleagues expressed concern about pregnancy, because the star of "Russian Radio" is no longer a girl. But still we are very happy for the heroine mother. “She went crazy to give birth to the fourth in her fifties. Doctor Mark Kurtser says that in two months an absolutely healthy girl will appear, and the star of "Russian Radio" has good chances to screw up the fifth, and then the sixth ... Sergei Sobyanin will simply have to give them a three-room apartment. And Vladimir Vladimirovich - to hang the star of the heroine mother ... Now it is clear to you why I refused to play with Alla the play "Divorce in Moscow", where Alla portrayed an old maiden with a huge belly. The most interesting thing is that the audience believed her, but said: "Oh, and fat," Sadalsky joked. Despite all the prejudices, Dovlatova feels great and is in good shape thanks to regular yoga classes, which, of course, are supervised by an experienced coach ... The celebrity observes a strict regimen in food, not wanting to gain weight during pregnancy. In her diet - only unsalted rice and grated apple. Recall that the presenter is raising her son Pavel and daughter Daria from her first marriage, Alla gave her husband a daughter, Alexander. Who this time the spouse is expecting, a boy or a girl, is still unknown. It is worth noting that the presenter is far from the only one who decided to give birth after 40. Actress Julia Roberts gave birth to her second child at 43, Victoria Makarskaya gave birth to a son at 42, Monica Bellucci at the last time she became a mother at 45, Courtney Cox at 40, and Gina Davis at 48, and the list goes on for a long time.

