Surprisingly, some children are born with suchlong hair that does not even believe that they are real. From the first day of life, you can already braid braids and do tails. We have collected for you a photo gallery with such here "hairy": look and be touched! And your baby was born with long hair?

  • No, absolutely bald
  • There was a slightly noticeable fluff
  • Volosiki were, but I will not say that long
  • Oh yeah, the hair was like all these kids, I even got scared a little))

Have your baby been born with long hair?

  • No, absolutely bald-8,5%
  • There was a slightly noticeable fluff22.0%
  • Volosiki were, but I will not say that the long 37.3%
  • Oh yeah, the hair was like all these kids, I even got scared a little)) 32.2%

Voted: 59

