1. Anna According to statistics, the most popular name in the world is Anna, it is worn by almost one hundred million women. This name has a lot of derivatives - Annette, Hannah, Ann, Gann ... Anna's name is even in Chinese and Japanese, and even the pronunciation is very similar to the European one. In no other language than the Russian, this name has so many diminutive derivatives - Anyuta, Anechka, Annushka, Nyura, Nyusya, and this is not a complete list of Meaning and Character: the classical dictionary of Biblical Hebrew under the editorship of Brown, Driver and Briggs translates the root of the name Anna as a favor, grace (benevolence, goodwill), with this favor both from God and from the people. Anna is a harmonious name that evokes only positive emotions, creating a feeling of something kind, bright and gentle. Women who wear it are of an open and calm nature. SofiaThis name, according to independent researchers, has become the most popular in the world in recent years. Sophia children are called in Europe, Latin America, and, of course, in Russia. Moreover, according to the data of the capital's registry office, this name has become the most popular in our country over the last decade. Significance and character: wise - in Greek, this is already known to everyone. But very few people know that Sofia - the female aspect of the man's name Vasily. And more divine aspect. Sofia conquers hearts with responsiveness. She fully justifies the meaning of her name - this is really a wise and serious person, discerning and delicate, and her wisdom is based on intuition, not on book knowledge. OlgaNe casually Olga Buzova can safely be called a person of the year - perhaps, her unprecedented rise was promoted and the name. The most popular Stories in all Instagram, 12 and a half million subscribers, a crowd of fans singing "Little halves" - this is a success. Well, a broken heart will heal, this is a fact established by history. Significance and character: there are two versions. If we assume that Olga was borrowed from the Scandinavians, then it means "holy, sacred, bright, wise". And if this is an ancient Slavic name, then "sunny, good, great." Great, whatever one may say. Olga always knows what she wants, and no one can stop her, and she rarely loses control, is always reserved and reasonable, so living with her under one roof is easy.Photo: Getty Images4. Natalia We are not only about Vodyanova, although she is an example more than worthy. According to the magazine MAXIM, the top 100 sexiest women in Russia was led by Natalya Rudova, bypassing other recognized beauties of the country. So the beauty of a girl named Natasha just will not be deprived. And the songs about her are compiled in English, this is the most famous Russian name abroad. Significance and character: in Latin it means "native". And that's all. Briefly and clearly. By the way, among the diminutive variants of Natalia - Tusya, Tata and even Nahl. Mi-mi-mi. Natasha is proud of herself and very much in need of praise and approval, instantly annoyed with any criticism. She has a slight sense of some superiority over others, but she will not sink to intrigues, besides, Natasha is not in conflict and friendly, in dealing with enemies or with people who are uncomfortable with her, she behaves exactly, most often does not pay any attention to them .5. Irina Irina Sheik is a girl of dreams. Not only that, she more than once led the lists of the most beautiful, successful and desired women of the world, so she also won the heart of the sexiest man in the world (according to one of the tops of 2015) Bradley Cooper. According to eyewitnesses, this once-convinced bachelor from Irina is simply crazy. Well, their joint child is another confirmation of that. The meaning and character: from Ancient Greek is translated as "peace, peace." So, Mom Irochka has a chance for a quiet sleep, even if the child is very small. Irina is a real diplomat, and she also has an inquisitive mind and an excellent memory, she is moderately curious and curious.6. Mary In the first half of the last century Mary took the first line in the list. More than three million American girls have been named so in the last hundred years. In recent years, the popularity of the name has decreased, but it is still often chosen. Being the name of the most important woman in the Christian world, it has historical and cultural significance. Significance and character: an English female name corresponding to the Russian name Maria. It is one of the oldest surviving names. It comes from the ancient Egyptian word mry, which means "beloved". This girl will not be completely deprived of love. BarbaraThis almost canonical thanks to the Barbie doll, this name was at the peak of popularity in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. Famous bearers are the first lady Barbara Bush and superstar Barbra Streisand. Significance and character: the importance of the name of Barbara is very simple and understandable - a stranger, a representative of another people. In Eastern Europe, the equivalent of this name is Varvara. In accordance with the meaning of the name Barbara has a character quite wild. Usually this manifests itself in its easy excitability and increased susceptibility to various observations. In response to such treatment, it is able to break out and throw out something extraordinary. So with such a girl you should be more careful, but in the house with her parents will not be bored.Photo: Getty Images8. Elizabeth Although this is an eternal name, it does not seem old-fashioned. Two famous women - Queen Elizabeth and the legendary beauty Elizabeth Taylor - gave him royal grandeur and glamor. Values ​​and character: comes from the Hebrew name, which in translation means the following: God is my oath, by God and I swear. Elizabeth can be called an emotional nature, but she knows how to behave in her hands, so it may create the false impression that she is a balanced and pragmatic person. In fact, it flares quickly, but it also calms down just as quickly. Lisa has a great sense of humor, she looks good, does not raise her voice or scandal, so she makes a pleasant impression. Jennifer Jennifer headed the list of names from 1970 to 1984. Now it is less popular, but it remains very nice, traditional, but not old-fashioned. A young Jennifer Lawrence and her older show business associate Jennifer Lopez - at the peak of popularity. Significance and character: the name Jennifer is a modern version of the pronunciation of the ancient Welsh name Ginevra. The name of Ginevra was worn by the wife of King Arthur, the legendary leader of the Britons, who became a hero of various historical epics, as well as knightly novels, and it means "a white sorceress". Jennifer is a strong person, deeply humane and having altruistic views, possesses high sensitivity, remarkable intuition, and this girl is able to well disguise her true thoughts from others. Linda Extremely popular in the 1940s and 1950s, this name has almost disappeared in the modern world, although it can be regarded as the forerunner of today's popular names ending in -a and -ya like Sophia, Emma and Olivia. from the Spanish adjective lindo, which translates as "beautiful", "beautiful". Little Linda is infinitely capricious. The smallest thing can cause a girl a strong tantrum. Most often the only child in the family, and it stretches more to the father than to the mother. The girl is very emotional, with peers taking only the leading position, if she does not succeed, then gets upset.

