Bolsheselsky branch of the SE "Yardormost": The road always needs attention

1 / 4Today, maintenance of roads YaroslavlThe oblast is the task of the state enterprise “YARDORMOST”, which has 11 branches in various parts of our region, which perform complex and necessary work - the maintenance and repair of highways. On the eve of October 16 - the Day of road workers, we talked about the activities of the company with the director of the Bolsheselsky branch of the state enterprise YARDORMOST Gennady Alekseevich Gorbunov. What were the latest achievements of the company in recent years? Volga, performed work on the highway Yaroslavl - Uglich and the repair of roads area. In Yaroslavl, our forces improved the territory of the Astronbildings plant, the Takeda and Teva plants, and the VimpelCom technical center on Technoparkovaya Street. We actively cooperate with industrial enterprises of our region and take part in eliminating the consequences of emergencies. What is the main advantage of your branch? The strength of our branch is the established cohesive team and responsible attitude to work. We are also located in the center of the Yaroslavl region, which makes it possible to perform work in different parts of the region. How do you assess the technical potential of the enterprise? The park has 12 dump trucks, 11 combined road machines, 3 motor graders, 3 bulldozers. There are also excavators, pavers, rollers, road marking machine - in a word, everything that is needed to repair roads and maintain them in good condition. What is the principle of the work of the enterprise? Our company works regardless of the season. Already, we began to prepare for the winter, checking the condition of the equipment, carrying out its necessary repairs. Also, we started to prepare a sand-salt mixture for sprinkling roads from ice. Naturally, repairs are also being carried out on the roads, but weather conditions are always taken into account. What can you say about the enterprise’s staff? Today there are 116 people in the staff, among them there are those who have been in the company since the very beginning of the foundation. The technological part of the production depends on the workers, so everyone should be aware of their own importance and responsibility. A few years ago, the company had difficult times, but I am very grateful to those people who did not go looking for a better share on the side and even in difficult times stayed to work in our branch. How are the staff added? We always welcome graduates of higher and secondary specialized training institutions of technical profile. There is the possibility of passing training courses. Especially now we need tractor operators. We are happy to take students to study practice, after which they can remain in the enterprise. The average salary is 28,000 rubles, so there is an excellent incentive for young people. Gennady Alekseevich, what can you wish your colleagues - road workers on their professional holiday? First of all, I want to wish everyone good health, so that everything in life will be the best Thus, there was a stable job and decent earnings. I especially want to congratulate all the veterans of the road sector, because they form a powerful backbone of professionals in their field. Enterprise History: The Bolsheselsky branch of the state enterprise YARDMOST has existed since 1936. Its history begins with the creation of road departments under the district executive committees, which were later transformed into road maintenance areas. The organizational and legal form of the enterprise has changed over time, but the fact that for 80 years the Bolsheselsky branch of the state enterprise YARDORMOST has been doing a good job in maintaining, operating and repairing public roads has remained unchanged. Today, the company serves 430 kilometers of roads in the Yaroslavl, Tutaev, Myshkinsky and Bolsheselsky districts.

