Products that can be saved1. Asparagus As it is not too susceptible to attacks from insect pests and seldom suffers from any diseases, it also spends less pesticides on it. Therefore, safely buy asparagus without the mark "eco" - just try to choose shoots without visible external damage, the same thickness and uniform green or purple flowers.Photo: Getty2. Avocado A thick skin protects the edible flesh of avocados from chemicals. Choose slightly unripened, hard to the touch fruits - they ripen in your home for a couple of days at room temperature.Photo: Getty3. BananasAll harmful substances, which are processed by bananas, remain on the thick skin of the fruit, which we are not used to eating. And yet, it is strongly recommended to rinse quickly under a strong stream of water and drain the banana before cleaning it from the peel.Photo: Getty4. Broccoli. Strangely enough, this vegetable does not contain a large amount of pesticides, as it rarely suffers from any illnesses and is not attractive to insects, and therefore less subjected to chemical spraying. When buying fresh cabbage broccoli, give preference to the hard heads of a juicy dark green color with strong inflorescences that are not revealed until the yellow flowers.Photo: Getty 5. Kiwi The soft skin of the fruit is an excellent protection for juicy pulp from harmful substances. Try to choose fruits with even skin, without dents and visible damage, do not forget to try the fruit for the smell - ripe kiwi produce a fragrance of banana, strawberry and lemon.Photo: Getty6. Cabbage Since this vegetable grows successfully even under unpretentious conditions, there is no point in spending tons of fertilizers harmful to our health. Choose heads, firm to the touch, without visible external damages and yellowing, and if you want to completely protect yourself, remove and throw out the top leaves from the head.Photo: Getty7. Mango The fleshy mango pulp is protected from pesticide sprayers by a peel, which nevertheless is worth washing before you start to cut the fruit.Photo: Getty8. Onion The onion is little subjected to chemical treatment, as it is not prone to frequent attacks of insects and infections. In addition, the multi-layered husk perfectly protects the edible part of the vegetable from the penetration of harmful substances. Try to choose firm to the touch bulbs, even color, without stains and dents on the surface.Photo: Getty 9. Papaya All chemical fertilizers remain with this fruit on the skin, thus protecting the edible flesh. In the store, first of all pay attention to the appearance of the fruit and choose only fruits with smooth and smooth skin.Photo: Getty10. Pineapple This fruit is protected from pesticides by natural "armor" - your own skin. When choosing to avoid fruits with dents, stains and a strong sweet smell - all these signs indicate the overripe and even rotting of the fruit.Photo: WeheartitImportant! Even despite the external protection of all these fruits and vegetables, we advise you to thoroughly wash them under a jet of cool water before you start cleaning and dressing.

