Useful properties of kohlrabi

What can be cooked from kohlrabiWhat can be made from kohlrabiPhoto:Shutterstock.comWhen looking at this vegetable, it is difficult to suspect it of being related to white cabbage. It looks more like a large pale green or purple turnip. However, this is a real cabbage: the kohlrabi stem tastes like a cabbage stalk, but is much more tender, sweeter and juicier, without the spiciness typical of white cabbage. Due to its high vitamin C content, it is also called . Kohlrabi is a valuable dietary product, the pulp is rich in glucose, fructose, sulfur compounds, potassium and calcium salts, vitamins B1, B2, PP. So regular presence of this "miracle turnip" on your table will help lower blood pressure, strengthen the heart and even lose weight, because 100 g of kohlrabi contains only 42 kcal. 'Kohlrabi is fried, stewed, baked, stuffed (for example, with fried onions and tomatoes), and added fresh to salads. It is best to buy young kohlrabi heads - they are small and can be cooked whole. Large ones are often tough and fibrous. In a cool place, kohlrabi will keep for 7-10 days.

