Avicenna prescribed the effect to his patientscertain colors depending on the nature of the disease and their state of mind. And Indian healers said that the seven main colors of the rainbow are directly related to certain tissues and organs of our body. And many modern people also often turn to color therapy in cases of stress, headaches, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome in patients, using it in two main directions: direct impact on the human brain and the creation of an appropriate healing environment around the patient.Color therapyColor therapy

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Anyone who is able to listen to their ownsensations and intuitively recognize the internal signals of his body, can accurately say what color objects he needs to have in his apartment at a given time - to lift his mood and even improve his overall well-being.

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  • The Rainbow (Rainbow) Chairs of Christian Flindt.

However, it would not be superfluous to list the medicinal ones hereproperties of primary colors according to the main concepts of color therapy - to deepen our own knowledge about ourselves, enrich the palette of our feelings and the color range of objects around us.

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  • Fixtures Axo Light.

