Sweet French ToastSweet French ToastPhotos: Shutterstock For French toasts, it is not necessary to have soft bread, and slightly dried ones will do. The pieces are dipped in a mixture of eggs and milk or cream and roasted over medium heat until golden brown. If you plan to use French toast as a basis for sandwiches, then Italian herbs and salt can be added to the egg-milk mixture. If the toast is presented as a basis for dessert, a couple of teaspoons of sugar will not hurt. There are a great many complements to simple and simple toasts. First of all, it is strawberries, bananas and whipped cream. French toast with fruit is a classic joyful meal. Oranges, pears and apples, sliced ​​into thin slices, will play on the contrast of textures. Then honey, jam or maple syrup. They will make toasts even softer and more tender. You can decorate the toast with cinnamon, powdered sugar or mint leaf.French toast with eggFrench toast with eggShutterstock French toast can be made with egg and savory sauce. To do this, you need to take a piece of bread, cut a hole with a diameter of 3-5 centimeters in it with a glass or knife, dip it in the egg-milk mixture for a few seconds and fry it over the fire. Then turn over and pour the prepared broken egg into the hole. By the way, if you are making French toast for a child, you can use curly molds to cut the middle out of the bread. It can be accompanied by sauce. To do this, finely chop a few cloves of garlic, add your favorite spices, sea salt, soy sauce and olive oil. The heavier version of the sauce contains mayonnaise. French toast with egg can be accompanied by cheese or ham; French toast, regardless of the quality in which it is served, must be served hot. The most successful version of the recipe does not include categorical ingredients: an egg, 1-2 glasses of milk, a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar. That way, everyone at the table will be able to make their own outstanding breakfast from their French toast. 100 grams of the base product (empty French toast without additives) contains about 210 kilocalories. But eating bread doesn't always make you gain weight. It just needs to be added to the daily diet, guided by certain principles. Bread is a healthy product, it has a lot of advantages. Find out .

