Hallway-gua Dedicated octagon -The most important concept of feng shui. The sides of this octagon point to various aspects of life. If you understand the concept, you will always know what needs to be changed in the planning of the apartment or in the interior in order to improve the quality of life. Ideally, all the ba-gua areas of your home should be strong and balanced. Therefore, it is not necessary to reinforce only one thing, for example, a zone of wealth: this will immediately affect other areas. Do you need wealth if you lose everything else? North is a career, professional activity. northeast - knowledge and wisdom; study area, education. East - family; zone of happy family life. southeast - wealth; zone of financial well-being. the south is glory; This zone protects the reputation of family members. southwest - marriage or partnership. West - children, creativity; zone of good luck and prosperity of offspring. northwest — helpful people; zone of business relations, support and help. center - health; this zone dominates all others, it symbolizes unity. The house begins with an entrance door, which should look attractive. Every detail is important: the upholstery, and a beautifully written number, and a pen. What do you think? Melodious, pleasant call also plays a role. But most important of all is the hospitable three-legged frog, who will meet guests at the door. Do not overdo it: the toads may very well be ceramic. Entering an apartment is a hole through which both good and evil enter your house. And not only in human form. If positive energy (chi) falls into a dark, small, cramped hallway that looks like a dead end, then part of its power goes away or turns into negative energy — sha. To avoid this, you can hang a mirror in the corridor diagonally from the front door - so that when you open the door, you see it, but at the same time it does not reflect the staircase. Do not hang the mirror directly in front of the front door. In the hallway you need bright lighting and clean light colors in the finish. Do not make the hallway unnecessary things and furniture: even if the energy successfully cope with obstacles, then you can easily stumble at night. Carefully ensure that the entrance to the house is not cluttered either outside or inside. The more interference you have on your way to your own home or on going outside, the more difficult it will be to implement your current plans, and you don’t have to talk about new perspectives. But the most common rug at the front door is a real energy protection, because it remains not only ordinary dirt, brought from the street, but also energy.

