Cleaning company services

Services of cleaning companiesCleaning companies servicesexpensive furniture (and the average Russian sofa is now 30-60 thousand rubles.), then it is more correct to ask for help from professionals. Today in the market of services are widely represented cleaning companies offering assistance in cleaning furniture and carpets. In the work they use professional chemistry, which you can not buy in a regular store, special technologies, special equipment and multistage procedures. All this allows you to achieve better results than any manual cleaning at home. In addition, experienced masters are able to clean even those things to which it is better not to approach with improvised means, for example, silk carpets or furniture with expensive upholstery. Disadvantages However, not all cleaning companies work with small orders. Many take only for large objects - public buildings, offices, shops. In addition, not every company provides services for cleaning the skin and suede. So the home cleaning specialist in your area will have to look. It is best to think about this in advance, when buying expensive furniture and carpets, and stock up the right phone "for every fire case." The sequence of your actionsIf a suitable firm is in place, callthe master will not be difficult - just call and place an order, by negotiating the time, nature and amount of work. As a rule, the client determines the time, and the company tries to service it with maximum efficiency. But it happens that the arrival of a specialist is postponed (for example, because the customer lives far away or all the masters at the exits). Then, you will be prompted to take urgent measures prior to professional cleaning. The duration of the procedure depends on the method of cleaning, the type of contamination, the kind of coating, the size of the piece of furniture or carpet and can reach several hours. But even at the end of the work, you can not use furniture or walk on the carpet at once - they need to dry out thoroughly, sometimes up to ten hours. Cost of services The cost of cleaning services depends on the kind of upholstery or carpet, the complexity of the contaminants, the remoteness of the facility, and the cleaners and equipment used by the company. Therefore, even within the same megalopolis, prices are very different. The treatment of carpets is assessed based on area. For example, the cost of cleaning the palace at home is 45-150 rubles / m². Freshen up the chair can be for 350-750 rubles., Clean the sofa - for 400-2000 rubles. depending on its size (usually taken into account the number of seats). Chairs - "piece goods" - on average are estimated at 45-150 rubles. for the subject. Often, companies provide discounts on "wholesale" work. For example, if the area of ​​the carpet exceeds a certain standard or the chairs are larger than the base number, the cost of services can be reduced. Where to contact the VKO Service, t .: (495) 22 555 92 The Diane Eko cleaning network, t .: (495) 225 8447The Kovromaster company , t .: (495) 364 5462С, т .: (495) 988 7433Serevery rain, t .: (495) 229 3900, single federal: 8 (800) 333 0301

