What is so amazing happened on this day 2thousands of years ago? By that time, the greatest events on Earth had already taken place: Christ was born, met with elder Simeon, was baptized, was transformed, died, rose again. And even after this miracle of miracles. It seems life calmed down. But, as it turned out, not for long: after only ten days, maybe the believers would not relax and get used to the fact that the Lord is omnipotent, God revealed another tremendous event, namely, he came down again from Heaven to Earth. Only not with the help of His Son, but in the form of the Holy Spirit.Icon of Andrei Rublev "Trinity" Photo: Wikipedia.org “Suddenly there was a noise from the sky, as if from a rushing strong wind, and filled the whole house where they were. And there appeared to them divided tongues, as if fiery, and rested one by one on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance, ”this is how the apostles in Acts describe this amazing day. Thus, the modern Orthodox Church stresses, we glorify first of all the triunity of God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, hence the main name of the holiday - the Trinity. We are celebrating it on Sunday, May 27, on the fiftieth day after Easter. Hence its second name is Pentecost. But the Day of the Holy Spirit is always celebrated the next day (which means this year on Monday, May 28), giving praise separately to Him. How to properly spend these days, the priest told our website. - The holiday of the Trinity calls Orthodox believers not only to jubilation, but to serious intellectual work, does not allow the brain to become lazy, makes you think and reflect, - Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko, rector of the Moscow Church of the All-Merciful Savior, explained Wday.ru. - After all, our religion, unlike other world, is extremely difficult to understand and accept. Well, in fact, what it is like to believe, on the one hand, that God is one (which is simple and understandable), but that He is also One in Three Persons. That Our Lord is the Father, and the Son, and now also the Holy Spirit. That He can send his Son to death for the salvation of mankind, while being all-powerful (that is, as God, immortal). And now also the fact that He can come down from Heaven and present Himself on the Earth by the Holy Spirit, while remaining at the same One God! Well, it's just in the head of an ordinary person does not fit! But all this is in fact the case, and we accept it, realize it, believe in it. And this is our wonderful multi-faceted life. That's about this holiday. Read, my dear, the Holy Scriptures and discover its most amazing pages. The apostles experienced the same shock on the fiftieth day after Easter, when they saw the descent of the Holy Spirit. This holiday is also pleasant because it should not be limited to reflections on reading the Bible and divine services: in Russia it was overgrown with beautiful worldly traditions.
It is customary to decorate everything with birch on Trinity. Photo:Shutterstock— It is customary to decorate all living spaces for Trinity, which is good at this time of year, as well as any other seasonal green plants and flowers, - our interlocutor advised. - Young people, since Pentecost always falls on a day off - Sunday, usually arranged all sorts of fun in Rus' - played games and danced in circles. Today, fortunately, all this also exists: in the capital and other cities, there are many youth Orthodox associations that organize such events in all parks. You can easily find them on the Internet, and admission is free for everyone. There, if the Lord so arranges, you can meet your future life partner - during fun gatherings. Happy Trinity!