Citrus juicer manualMake themwas entrusted to professionals - famous restaurateurs, journalists and chefs, among whom was, for example, . As a result, the most useful tool in cooking was recognized as a modest wooden spoon - the one that is probably in the arsenal of any housewife, and more than one. The spoon received the honorary title due to its simplicity, ease of use and versatility - because it can be used to stir, beat, and serve ... Or give someone a loud slap - this is what Times restaurant critic Gilles Coren is sure of. Among the most useless inventions, the citrus juicer, developed by the famous designer Philippe Starck, is in the lead: coldly gleaming with aluminum sides, similar to a character from "Star Wars" and at the same time ... completely unsuitable for the job. As one of the judges, food designer and chef Sophie Conran, said, this stylish thing has been decorating her kitchen for several years now. However, Sophie has never managed to use the space juicer for its intended purpose…The top 5 most useful gadgets look like this:Citrus juicer manual press1. Wooden spoon2. Grater3. Mixer4. Immersion Blender5. Stationary blenderThe five most useless inventions: 1. Citrus Juicer2. Chesnokodavka3. Bread Maker4. A device for cooking poached eggs5. Milk Frother