Wedding white bouquets
A bouquet of such an unusual elongated shape perfectly complements the flowing silhouette of the bride's dress.
White tulips look no less festive than traditional wedding roses.
This delicate bouquet is made up of white and pink callas and branches of lilac.
Bridal bouquet of white peonies - a real hit of 2010!
The pomp of this bouquet of white roses gives gypsophila.
Lilies of the valley in the frame of miniature white callas - an elegant bouquet for the sophisticated image of the bride.
Orchids are one of the most fashionable wedding flowers of 2010.
A bouquet of white terry peonies looks spectacular and exudes a wonderful aroma.
This white bouquet of chrysanthemums is complemented by an insert of yellow-green “oak trees” (the so-called small Korean chrysanthemums).
The basis of this bridal bouquet is white gladioli and a cream-colored bush carnation taken in the bud stage.
This concise bouquet of airy gypsophila can be easily made with your own hands.
Despite the fact that this wedding bouquet is made up of some orchids, it looks luxurious thanks to the wax beauty of exotic flowers.
Multi-component bouquet, which included white roses, lilies of the valley, freesia and eucalyptus branches.
So that the bouquet of white roses does not look too traditional, two types of roses are used in it: large white and smaller ones - tea-colored.
White terry anemones, so much resembling roses, complement the dark purple fragrant hyacinths in this unusual wedding bouquet.
Also on the topic:
- Fashionable bridal bouquet of lilies
- Bridal bouquet: how to choose and make it yourself
- Bouquet of orchids: wedding master class
- 10 ideas for decorating the wedding table