The largest assortmentIn the 30th century BC.In China, frozen fruit juices were served for dessert. Thus, the canonical collection of songs "Shijing" provides recipes for mixing snow with honey and fruit pulp, and also simply freezing milk. In the 10th century BC, King Solomon recommended drinking frozen juice during the harvest to reduce fatigue. Five centuries later, Hippocrates supported him, stating that "frozen fruit juices strengthen health and improve mood". Four centuries later, ice cream became the favorite delicacy of the Romans. And the famous chef Apicius provides over two dozen recipes for "snow dishes". For example, this one: Albanian or Alpine mountain snow is mixed with rose water, fruits and tree resin. Russia has long had its own ice cream recipes. For example, back in the 12th century in Rus' they did it this way: they either froze milk, cut it with a knife and ate it with hot pancakes, or mixed cottage cheese with sour cream, honey and raisins, molded figurines and put them out in the cold.
Ice cream assortmentIce cream in classicIn this sense of the word, ice cream came to our country from France and became firmly established in the menu of the Russian nobility of Catherine II. Cookery books of those times contain many different recipes for making ice cream. For example, in the "Newest and Complete Cookbook", published in Moscow in 1791, there is a special chapter "Making Every Kind of Ice Cream". It provides a recipe for a cold treat consisting of cream, chocolate, egg whites, lemons, oranges, cherries, strawberries and raspberries. But for a long time this product in Russia was produced in a handicraft way, and the beginning of mass production of ice cream was laid only in 1932, when Anastas Mikoyan himself went to America and purchased the necessary technological equipment there. Thus, in 1937, the first Soviet ice cream was produced industrially.
As for modern ice cream, hereManufacturers are always trying to be creative. Of course, surprising a modern consumer is not an easy task. However, sometimes it is still possible to do this. For example, almost 6 years ago an exhibition and sale of unusual ice cream varieties was held in Japan. The Japanese, who have long been accustomed to such exotic ice cream varieties as tomato, sweet bean and green tea, nevertheless had mixed feelings about the new products offered. You must admit that a cup of ice cream with the taste of beef tongue, Pacific mackerel, chicken wings, hot mustard, crab or shrimp causes some bewilderment, although, as they say, there is no accounting for taste. Another rule comes into play here: it is better to see once than hear a hundred times, and, accordingly, it would be nice to try it in order to have your own opinion on this matter.
By the way, the cheerful Italians have fantasies inice cream is also not lacking… In some expensive Italian restaurants, with the start of the "truffle season" (from October to December), you can try ice cream with truffles. The exact recipe for making this unusual delicacy, of course, is not disclosed. It is only known that one local chef came up with the idea of using truffles to make luxury ice cream. He keeps eggs with truffles in a sealed tray so that they are saturated with the mushroom aroma. Then the eggs are used to make ice cream, which is served on truffle shavings and decorated with pieces of these mushrooms. A pear marinated in balsamic vinegar is also included with the dessert. They say that gourmets will love this innovation…Those who visit Japan, Italy or other countries will probably have the opportunity to try unusual desserts. Just remember that ice cream is a high-calorie product, some varieties contain up to 20% fat and the same amount of carbohydrates. But it has been proven that ice cream can lift your mood, protect city dwellers from stress, calm the human nervous system, and also help cope with insomnia and make each of us a little happier. Enjoy your meal, experience extraordinary emotions and sweet impressions!