Roses and strawberries More than 7 500 British gardenersparticipated in the voting, whose goal was to reveal their sympathies and preferences. In the list of the most favorite were those plants that, in the opinion of the respondents, do not require special care, are resistant to diseases, beautiful and useful. To the second category, the British attributed their complete opposite. The questions also concerned the most favorite vegetables, the most necessary in the farm tools garden and other important aspects of garden life. As a result, it was found out that the first places in both ratings were occupied by rose and strawberry. They are loved and disliked at the same time. Some gardeners are so fond of these plants that they are ready to dedicate all summer care to them. Others, after having heard about the complexities of their cultivation, prefer not to bother. One pleases, indifferent to these recognized queen of the garden was not found. And here is the general picture of the likes and dislikes of British gardeners: The most favorite ornamental plants
The most unloved ornamental plants
Favorite berries and fruits
The most unloved berries and fruits
Favorite vegetables
The most unloved vegetables
The Most Hated Garden Problems
The most essential garden tool
Source: Telegraph