Coffee Kopi LuwakDisgusting dishesThe most elite and the most expensivecoffee in the world is a product that comes from the intestines of a predatory animal of the genus Viverra. The seeds of the beans are selected from the excrement of palm Viverra, washed and dried in the sun. The processed product of the digestion of a small predatory animal has a pleasant chocolate aroma. Price: $ 600 per pound (about 500 grams) Swiftlet bird nests
The most disgusting dishes One of the most importantdelicacies in China have become the nests of salangan birds, male individuals who have been working on their construction all day long for several months, building them entirely from their own saliva. Because of the long time it takes to build one nest, the cost is quite big. The nests themselves are considered tasteless, but are often added to soups, and most importantly, they have quite a few healing qualities. This delicacy is served by tons of gourmets from different countries. Price: from 1,000 to 10,000 dollars per kgMargan oil
Moroccan wild goats have learned to climbtrees for the prey of the wonderful fruits of the argan tree. The animal eats the fruit, and farmers can only collect the digested bones in their litter. As a result, these stones produce a golden hue oil, known for its healing properties. In addition, beauticians often add oil to various creams: for smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing, to strengthen the hair roots and against burns. In a word, not only physicians and cosmetologists were convinced of his merits, but also goats, who learned to climb trees for the sake of the cherished argan’s fruits. Price: $ 120 per liter Cheese Kasu martsu
It is an Italian delicacy from Sardinia, where it isproduction is illegal. Casu Marzu translates from Sardinian as "rotten cheese," and it got its name for a reason. Casu Marzu is kept longer than the usual fermentation stage, bringing it to a state of decay. In this state, cheese flies take hold of it, laying their larvae in it. The larvae are almost a centimeter long worms that, moving along the cheese, secrete special enzymes that give it an even sharper smell, a rotten taste, and a soft, creamy texture. Often, people like to treat themselves to decomposing cheese at weddings and other family celebrations. Price: $ 100 per pound (500 grams) Snake wine
This Vietnamese delicacy is made right before your visitors. A snake breeder approaches a visitor with a cobra, followed by an assistant with a metal tray, a small bowl, a decanter of rice wine and a pair of garden shears in his hands. After the general meeting, the process of killing the reptile follows, or rather, cutting open its belly with scissors. The dark blood of the snake is mixed with rice wine and offered to the visitor in this form. "Ru tiet ren", snake wine, the gourmet must eat the still beating heart of the cobra. This entire procedure is accompanied by a tasting of the remaining entrails of the evil snake. Local residents believe that snake blood has healing properties and promotes replenishment in the family. Price: $ 21 per glass Fugu Fish
To try the fugu fish sashimi in Japan,a fair amount of courage and excitement is required. Under the seemingly innocuous name fugu, hides a deadly fish for a person with a huge amount of poison inside. Therefore, only cooks who have special licenses for this and are able to measure just as much poison as a person needs for narcotic intoxication are allowed to prepare it. Peculiar sensations after taking fugu cost visitors a lot of money. Price: $ 300 per kgBalut
Balut is an integral part of everyday lifediet of any Filipino. This dish is not only credited with miraculous properties, but also with a very real effect on potency. What does the demographic situation in the Philippines depend on? Balut is simply a duck egg boiled in salted water. Only the fully formed duck embryo with feathers and a barely visible beak will be boiled. In addition to the Filipinos, this dish is also practiced in other countries of Southeast Asia. It is preferable to eat the egg with vinegar, since the taste of boiled ducklings is very specific. To tell the truth, this spectacle is not for the faint of heart, although Filipino husbands like to examine the rudiments of feathers and pleasantly crunch the barely formed bones of a small duck. Some people are so eager to eat balut that they eat the egg raw, seasoning the dish with a generous amount of salt and pepper. Price: less than a dollar per egg Ant caviar (Escamoles)
When unsuspecting black antsLiometopum genus lay eggs in the roots of agave in Mexico, and they are already being hunted. Just before the larvae hatch, they are collected and cooked into real and not at all cheap delicacies. Collecting these larvae is not an easy task at all, you can’t do without protective clothing, since the relict species of ants, included in many Red Books, releases a poison that is dangerous to humans when protecting their offspring. As for the taste of the larvae, they are quite edible, and the constitution of the ant eggs is similar to cottage cheese. Most often, all the ants go to the Mexican salad "Taco". Price: 40 dollars per pound (500 grams)