Cottage cheese with vegetables

Cottage cheese with vegetables: a recipePhoto: Dmitry Bayrak / dbstudio Cooking time: 15 minutes, 162 kcal per 1 serving. For 2 servings: 2 cucumbers, 1 stalk of celery, 0.5 sweet pepper, 1 bunch of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro), 1 clove of garlic, 200 g of granulated curd, 2 tbsp. l natural yoghurt, salt, pepper. Method of preparation: Mine and dry vegetables. Celery stalk cleaned from hard veins. From the pepper we take out the seeds and cut off the internal partitions. Cucumbers, celery and pepper cut a very small cube. Cucumber can also be grated on a coarse grater, salt and after 5 minutes squeeze out moisture - so the curd mass will be more homogeneous and will not be blocked by water. Finely chop the greens and garlic. Mix everything with cottage cheese and yogurt. Salt and pepper to taste. Optionally, add a little chopped red onion to the mixture. Served with cereal bread. Instead of celery, you can add coarsely grated carrot to the salad

