Correct Feng Shui Before you installa real tree, you need to follow some rules. Then your "green princess" will stand for a long time to the delight of all the family. Once in the greenhouse, the beauty who was born and raised in the forest, and whom "Frost" just wrapped in snow, turns into a pampered princess. She will be hot near the radiator, and cold in a draft, and besides, she will always want to drink. Water the tree standing in a bucket of sand every other day, like a houseplant, and spray the branches from a spray bottle. If you have to install the tree using a stand, then before that, at least for a day, put it in water with glycerin, and then make a cut in the trunk and put a woolen rag there (it will need to be moistened with water daily). Do you want to strengthen family relationships? Place the tree to the left of the entrance to the room, along the wall. But if your thoughts are about how to bring joy to children - place it on the right side. Place the tree in the far right corner, and your intimate life will sparkle with new colors. We can offer a simpler way - make a composition from spruce or pine branches and hang it above the bed: Eros will simply settle in your bedroom.
Putting up a Christmas treeStrive for material thingswell-being – put the tree in the far left corner, decorate it with coins wrapped in gold foil and tie the branches with red ribbons. And if the tree is not on a cross, but in a bucket of sand, then you can also bury a few coins wrapped in red paper in the sand. If you put the tree right at the entrance to the room, then this position will help you feel like a strong, interesting person next year. If it is located in the near left corner, then this will help expand your contacts with the outside world, develop creative and intellectual abilities. Will you celebrate the New Year at work, in a team? The tree should be opposite the front door. This will contribute to career advancement to one degree or another for all employees. However, this option can be repeated at home. This is important: the tree must be well secured. Electric garlands can only be hung if they are in perfect condition. Those who, for one reason or another, prefer an artificial tree should remember that it is made of synthetic, flammable material; therefore, you should refuse candles and check the garlands again. The tree should be well secured. Electric garlands can only be hung if they are in perfect condition. Those who, for one reason or another, prefer an artificial tree should remember that it is made of synthetic, flammable material; therefore, you should refuse candles and check the garlands again. If the tree has become dusty, for example, during storage, it is better to remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner. When washing, the metal rods - the bases of the branches and trunk - are destroyed by corrosion. If you want to give free rein to your imagination, you can use cheap spruce branches. It can be decorated with Christmas tree toys, serpentine and candles. Owners of cats and dogs! Remember that shiny balls and tinsel on the tree are an irresistible temptation for your pets. Tinsel and "rain" that get into the intestines - and animals love to chew and swallow them - can lead to the death of four-legged friends; therefore, it is best to put the tree in a safe place, inaccessible to four-legged friends, or completely refuse such decorations, so as not to spoil your holiday. The most unusual Christmas tree The BMW company chose a rather unusual way to advertise its new cars during the upcoming Christmas holidays, having built a Christmas tree in London more than 15 meters high, on which new Mini cars "hang" instead of decorations. All these cars are serial, life-size. Moreover, all the cars have their front and rear lights on, creating a "festive" illumination. This rather impressive-sized structure is placed on a special barge, which is towed up and down the Thames throughout the day. In total, 12 Mini cars fit on the "BMW Christmas Tree", Ananova reports.