Ground cover plantsGround Cover PlantsThis universal love forit is understandable and easy to explain to the ground covers: no special efforts are needed to grow them: it is only important to choose the right place in the garden for planting, to remove weeds, to prepare the soil. A little care at the stage of initial growth - and then the expanding "mats" will delight for many years with its colorful "spots" of numerous flowers and decorative foliage. Pruning the stems of some ground covers after flowering stimulates the growth of new shoots, increases their decorative effect and flowering. Arabis, or bust (Arabis) blooms profusely in May; there are her varieties with white, pink, red flowers (simple or double) and with variegated leaves. Rezuha is great for gardens and slides, forms an elegant cascade of flowers, falling down from the retaining wall. she is also good as a flowering cascade plant. Most often growers are grown in the garden about the deltoid (A. deltoidea). Its varieties and hybrids of different heights and different colors of flowers (pink, red, purple, violet, blue), simple or terry are derived.Ground Cover Garden PlantsGround Cover Garden Plants Sifter, orSedum (Sedum) - just a godsend for the garden and rock garden! Absolutely unpretentious stonecrops the heat is not terrible, they remarkably expand in width on the ground and among stones. Sedum bloom profusely with small, but numerous “star” flowers, gathered in dense inflorescences. There are many types of Sedum, varying in height (from dwarfs a few cm to tall (about 60 cm), with a different structure and color of fleshy leaves, with flowers of different colors. They form "mats" undergrowths and creeping shoots. ) has an attractive rosette of very dense leaves, resembling a rosette (one of the names of the young ones is “stone rose”). There are numerous types of young with different leaf colors (green in different shades, ruby ​​red, bronze red, brown the edges of the leaves, etc.). It looks very unusual for a spider web, whose rosette is supposedly covered with a white cobweb. Phlox (Phlox) dwarf, unlike their tall counterparts, include undersized and creeping species, as well as a variety of their cultural forms. They form in the garden solid "covers" of flowers of various colors and shades (white, pink, ndovye, red, crimson, purple).Alyssum, or Burachok (Alissum) has greyishsmall leaves, blooms extremely abundantly in May and at the beginning of summer with lush tassels of flowers of different shades of yellow. Different types and varieties of perennial alissum vary greatly in height. Cerastium, or a cerastium, forms a silvery carpet of leaves and white flowers that bloom in late spring. It is widely distributed in the gardens of the Bieberstein spider (C. biebersteinii) about 30 cm high. It has thin and creeping, easily rooting shoots; actively growing, covering large areas. Gentiana (Gentiana) has many species of different heights, blooming in spring, summer or autumn. Thyme, or thyme, or Bogorodskaya grass (Thymus serpyllum) is a spicy and medicinal herb, has extremely fragrant leaves and flowers. The height of the "rug" thyme 2-8cm. Thyme blooms profusely from May to July, less actively until autumn. Many varieties and hybrids of thyme with different colors and shades of leaves (green, variegated: green-white, green-yellow) and flowers (Pink Chintz - pink, Albus - white, Donne Valley - light purple, Coccineus - red, etc) . Veronica (Veronica) is not only tall,but stunted and ground cover species; among them: Veronica filamentous, or creeping (V. filiformis) grows very quickly, forming a “mat” 3-5 cm high from thin, long, creeping stems covered with light green round leaves. Blue flowers with dark veins appear in May and June. Veronica is prostrate (V. prostrata) is taller (10-20 cm), blooms longer (May-July) and has varieties with white, pink and light blue flowers. Saponaria, or myalnjanka (Saponaria) forms colorful dense “pillows” in the garden with flowers of pink-red gamma: Periwinkle (Vinca) is an unpretentious, actively growing ground covering shrub with stems along the ground and rooting easily at the nodes in the stems. For periwinkle, decorating the garden at any time of the year with its evergreen leaves, is also characterized by a long flowering from May to September. Vinca flowers constantly appearing among the “foliage” of the brilliant foliage resemble flowers of tall phloxes with their size and shape. The ivy-shaped wedge (Glechoma hederacea) has green or white-green rounded jagged leaves on long shoots forming low (5-7 cm) “mats”. In contact with the ground, budra shoots easily take root in the nodes, so if necessary, it is necessary to provide for restriction of its distribution in the garden. In May-June modest, small, purple flowers bloom near Budra.And, of course, wonderful "mossy bumps""Pillows", "rugs" from rosettes of soft or hard leaves form the favorite saxifraga of different types. Elegant saxifrage with white edging at the edges of dense gray leaves are called inlaid or silver. Saxifrags are especially good during flowering, when peduncles with flowers of various sizes and colors (white, yellow, pink, red, crimson, maroon) rise above their leaves. Flowers of various saxifrage are single or collected in a loose inflorescence (paniculate, capitate, corymbose). The list of wonderful plants - "rugs" is far from being exhausted by those given here - it is very large. Choose “rugs” that are suitable for the conditions of your garden and are sweet to the heart. Most often, plants-“rugs” are grown in a rock garden, but just try to give them more space in the garden! For example, plant veronica, sedum, subulate phlox, budra in the trunk circles of fruit and ornamental trees, or give them a place under tall perennials.Then they will not only delight you with their elegantbloom, but also protect (like mulch) the roots of neighboring plants from overheating, will retain moisture in the soil, and even the “flying” weed seeds will not allow them to take root. Ground cover plants are certainly beautiful, but many of them will not bloom very long. Therefore, try to pick these plants for the garden in terms of flowering and complement them with long flowering perennials and perennials. And on the alpine hill near spring-flowering plants, “mats” will take the flowering baton: edelweiss (June-August), silverweed (June-September), autumn crocus (September-October), bells (June-August), low-growing astilbe (July-September, depending on the variety), stonecrop prominent (August-October) and many many other plants.

