Lentil CutletsPhoto: Shutterstock

Lentil Cutlets

This is a very filling dish, because lentils contain protein.no less than in meat. That is why lentil cutlets are usually liked by the stronger sex. Ingredients: 1 cup of yellow or red lentils, 6 medium onions, salt, spices (preferably curry), bread crumbs, oil for frying. Method of preparation: Rinse the lentils and soak overnight. If you do not have time - no problem, boil them in a small amount of water to get a crumbly porridge. Chop the onion and fry in oil until golden brown. Do not be afraid of a large amount of onion: the more there is, the tastier the dish! Pass the lentils through a meat grinder with onions, salt, add spices, mix well. With wet hands, form cutlets, roll in a mixture of bread crumbs and curry. Fry in oil on both sides until a beautiful crust appears.

