Useful houseplantsHow scientists found out fromUniversity of Pennsylvania, plants can absorb the harmful ozone emitted during the work of printers and damaging human cells. Researchers have shown that three common - Sansevieria trifasciata, Chlorophytum comosum and Epipremnum aureum - absorb ozone molecules. This gas not only protects the inhabitants of the Earth from ultraviolet radiation, but also causes serious damage to the cells. The experiment was as follows: air with high ozone content was pumped into the chambers where the plants were located, as well as into the empty chambers. Since ozone is unstable, its concentration decreases with time. But, as it turned out during the study, in chambers with plants it took less time to completely disintegrate the hazardous gas. Scientists worked with ozone concentration, which is considered extremely unfavorable for everyday activities, but is achievable in real conditions, therefore scientific findings are of interest to all groups of the population. This scientific work gives unambiguous conclusions: cacti in front of the monitor are useless to protect against radiation, but around printers they may well heal the air in offices. In addition, the plants clearly look very pretty and create a home comfort in the office. According to Reuters, read also