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Magic catechins

Green tea for weight lossGreen tea for weight loss Give dinner to the enemy?Well, no way. You can have a tasty and healthy dinner - eat a juicy fruit salad or muesli. And for dessert - berries and a cup of green tea. Recently, studies were conducted in Asia that showed that regular consumption of green tea helps speed up metabolism and increase energy expenditure. That's why it's so useful to treat yourself to a cup of this wonderful drink, for example, Lipton Linea tea. This is a new green tea that naturally contains twice as many catechins as other Lipton green teas!The new Lipton Linea tea contains twice as many catechins as any other green teaIn the new tea Lipton Linea is contained twicemore catechins than in any other green tea. What are catechins? They are faithful assistants in obtaining the ideal figure. They are contained in your favorite fruits and berries, and especially there are a lot of them in green tea. Catechins maintain a healthy balance of your body, while you are doing your own business! Walk or work, sleep or dance. Always! Therefore, remember that every time you replace high-calorie drinks with a cup of delicious green tea, your dreams of a beautiful form are becoming more real. A new swimsuit, perfectly sitting on your slender and smart figure, does not seem like a pipe dream.

