A photo: “Telesem” archive “For me, a new year without Olivier is not a holiday, but for many years I have been trying to keep fast, even if not strictly, then without meat, absolutely. Therefore, I cook a bowl of Olivier for our large family - with boiled beef and tongue or with chicken, and for myself I make a separate bowl, p. And it is incredibly tasty, "- Anastasia Melnikova shared her recipe with Woman’sDay." I don’t like it when I have a lot of potatoes in a salad, so I take 4-5 potatoes, as many medium carrots, and 4-5 eggs, the actress says. - I love cucumbers small, and fresh, and salty, so I take 7-8 pieces of both for salad. You will also need a jar of canned peas. It is better to take more shrimps so that they predominate in volume - the volume of shrimp should be larger than a hill of chopped potatoes and carrots. All the ingredients are mixed and dressed with mayonnaise. The salad is ready! "And yet Anastasia Melnikova told a funny episode related to her favorite salad." True, it was one year when I never tried my New Year's Olivier. My mother and I live in the same house and celebrate the New Year in her apartment. The last time before the holiday, I packed food in bags and carried them to my mother, and left my basin Olivier on the table. I come back - and our Newfoundland Bimka stands on its hind legs and licks an empty bowl ... so I was left without a salad. Well, the boy should also have a holiday, he met the New Year before everyone, ”the actress laughs. Ingredients: 5 boiled potatoes, 5 boiled carrots, 5 boiled eggs, 7–8 small fresh cucumbers and the same salty; 1 bank canned peas; 1 kg peeled shrimp; mayonnaise to taste.
Photo: Telesem archive