new fragrances, the fragrance of love, floral scents, citrus flavors, spicy aroma, fresh aromas, sweet flavorsA photo: official representation of the Esteban brand in Russia. We are different, the events around us are different, and we need different states in order to feel the fullness of life around us: somewhere accelerate, somewhere slow down the pace, concentrate on something, then relax, stay in a noisy company or immerse yourself. Each has its own intensity and proportion of states, but it is absolutely important for everyone that our capabilities, our physiological and psychological state correspond to the moment and that this moment is preferable lagging. Say, at work is not a place for drowsiness and meditation, and at home with your family, you do not need to remain immersed in business plans. The essence of aromas is that they can help us to synchronize ourselves with the world around us. And here we are talking not only and even not so much about those spirits that we put on ourselves, but also about the interior fragrances that fill the space, create an atmosphere and serve as mood fragrances, the fragrance of love, floral scents, citrus flavors, spicy aroma, fresh aromas, sweet flavorsA photo: official representation of Esteban brand in RussiaAromas are our invisible, ephemeral helpers in achieving harmony with the world around us. Recently, the science of aromaticology, which studies the influence of aromas on the psycho-emotional state of a person, is attracting more and more interest. Unlike aromatherapy, aromatology does not aim at cure for ailments, but only ascertains how this or that aroma affects the condition and mood of fragrances, the fragrance of love, floral scents, citrus flavors, spicy aroma, fresh aromas, sweet flavorsA photo: official representation of the brand Esteban in Russia In everyday life, we practically do not use deliberately our sense of smell. Only bright, pleasant or not very stimuli can bring to the conscious level what we feel at the same time. But the sense of smell is one of the most archaic senses that was vital to a person. And if the person's nose is able to warn about a fire that has arisen, then why should he not help us in finer things like hearing (listening to a pleasant melody) or seeing (contemplating beautiful pictures or color therapy)? Aromatic compositions are able to give us no less vivid aesthetic pleasure. And, besides, they are quite easy to use to control your emotions. It is important only to determine their own tastes or follow the general recommendations. On the rights of advertising

