Detergents and cleanersDetergents and cleanersMostard powder is an excellent detergent for dishes.

  • If you add a little mustard powder when washing items made of wool and silk, they wash much better.

Toothpaste (powder) - cleans the metal.

  • With the help of an old toothbrush and powder, you can successfully clear off darkened silver and nickel silver jewelry, metal buttons and buckles on belts.
  • White deposits on the chrome-plated surfaces of taps in the bathroom and in the kitchen can be removed by sprinkling sponge with dental powder.
  • The piano keys that have become dull with time can be cleaned with a damp cloth with tooth powder, and then polished.

Iodine - using a cotton swab dipped iniodine solution, scratches on oak, walnut and mahogany furniture can be removed. Scratches will be subtle. Lavender - Sachet with lavender - an old remedy. Lemon juice is an excellent grease dissolver (squeeze lemon juice on dirty surfaces and leave for half an hour, then scrub the surface with baking soda), fragrance.

  • If you mix olive oil and lemon juice in a ratio of 2: 1, you get a polish for wooden furniture.
  • To freshen up the white color of the cloth, soak it in boiling water with lemon slices.
  • Rust stains removes metal paste from salt diluted with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Chalk is an excellent cleaner added towater - removes dirt from glass and mirrors. Soap - soap solution is used to clean gold-plated objects and bronze products. Potaty alcohol is a cleaning agent.

  • For washing windows added to the water.
  • Removes matte plaque from a tile, giving it a lost shine.

Hydrogen peroxide - whitening andantibacterial agent. Baking soda is a non-abrasive detergent that removes grease, dirt and plaque from porcelain, glass, silver and nickel silver cutlery, and also kills the smell.

  • Fat spray on the washable wallpaper in the kitchen canclean the paste from the soda. Mix a quarter cup of soda with a small amount of water (to the consistency of toothpaste). Use a soft cloth to wipe off any dirt with a circular motion and wipe the wallpaper with a clean cloth.
  • Silver can be returned to the originalshine, if you fold it into a large saucepan (you can in the sink, first stopping the stopper and covering the bottom with foil), pour boiling water and add 1 incomplete cup of soda. The dullness will come down, and the stains on silver can be rubbed with soda paste and it will shine like new.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the tray before pouring it into the tray to neutralize unpleasant odors.
  • To get rid of unpleasant smells of old furniture, sprinkle it with dry soda, leave for 1-2 hours, and then carefully vacuum.
  • White bloom in flower vases can be removed by wiping it with a sponge and soda from the inside.
  • The black crust of burned fat outside the cast iron pan can be removed by placing the pan for 2 hours in a large container with a solution of soda ash (100 g per 1 liter).

Beeswax - natural furniture polishfrom soft breeds of a tree. Pastive oil - a tree polish. They can grease creaking door hinges. Aromatic sunflower oil, besides, frightens off ants. The rubber eraser - erases traces from rubber nabok from a wooden floor. Salt - the cleaning and bleaching means.

  • on light T-shirts, if you soak them before washing in brine.
  • To "soften" new jeans, add to the powder when washing 1/3 cup of salt.
  • Get rid of dark raids on domesticthe walls of the Turks can also be using salt. To do this, put in a Turk 4 teaspoons of salt, 1 cup of ice chips (crush ice cubes in a blender) and 1 cup of water. Shake the mixture in a circular motion, then wash the pot with a regular sponge.
  • Fresh wine stains are easily removed by sprinkling with salt and then soak for 30 minutes before washing.

Dried orange peels - a remedy for moths.Talc - if, over time, the drawers of wooden furniture began to bind, sprinkle a little talc on the rails. Vinegar, vinegar essence - dissolves scum, eats away grease, deposits, cleans wood and glass, adds shine.

  • The joints between the tiles are well cleaned with an old toothbrush moistened with acetic acid.
  • Lacquered leather can be polished to a shine with a soft cloth soaked in vinegar.
  • Acetic solution is used to clean the mirrors,window panes and windows of the machine: fill the 1.5 liter plastic bottle with water, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to it and put on a cap with a spray bottle.
  • You can, rubbing the polluted place on the floor with a solution of vinegar and water (1: 1 ratio).
  • To clean the carpet, rub the grout into the stain, then wipe off any excess liquid with a dry cloth.
  • Yellow bloom from the toilet can be easily removed by pouring vinegar on it and leaving it overnight without washing it. In the morning there will be only a walk along the walls of the brush, and the toilet again shine white.
  • To remove limescale from the bottom of the kettle or saucepans, pour a glass of vinegar in them, then add water to the maximum mark and boil. Scale easily come off.
  • Use vinegar to soften used brushes. Heat an incomplete glass of vinegar in the microwave, soak the brushes in it overnight. In the morning you can use them again.
  • Place the clogged shower spreader for a few hours in hot water with vinegar, then brush with a brush - the water will flow with the same pressure.

Essential oils - placed in oil burner, serveair fresheners. Some, such as eucalyptus oil, can be used as an insect repellent. Others have disinfectant properties (tea tree oil, lavender).

