Oil based paintOil based paintIn the name of the paint orenamel, and it is necessarily indicated on the packaging (label), designations have been introduced that help to find out the composition of the paint (enamel), its purpose. Paints are obtained on the basis of drying oils, varnishes and enamels - on the basis of synthetic resins. The binder on which the paint or enamel is made is indicated by the index of letters standing behind the name. The letters MA denote paints on drying oils from vegetable oils, PF - enamels on pentaphthalic varnishes, GF - on glyphthalic, DA - on oil-phenol varnishes, ML - melamine alkyd resins, MCh - on urea-formaldehyde resins, PVS - on polyvinyl alcohol, BG - Based on bitumen, AK - based on polyacrylates, MS - based on melamine-styrene resins, PE - on polyester resins. The letter designation is followed by a digital designation. The first digit can be used to judge the purpose of the paint. Numbers 1 and 5 indicate that the paints are suitable for outdoor and indoor use, number 2 - only for indoor painting, 0 - primer, 00 - putty. Paints on drying oils (MA), glyphthalic (GF), pentaphthalic (PF) and oil-phenolic (FA) varnishes belong to the group of alkyd paints. They are interrelated, they can be mixed in different ratios (proportions). Paints suitable for outdoor work should be prepared on pigments resistant to fading and on weather-resistant binders. Some pigments - zinc white, ocher, red lead, chromium oxide - do not fade even in bright sunlight.Oil based varnishOil based varnishHigh quality oilThe compositions are obtained only on natural drying oil. They are used to paint surfaces for protective and decorative purposes. If the main purpose of painting is to protect the surface being painted, painting is performed with compositions that form a glossy film. When decoratively finishing surfaces indoors, matte coatings are usually used, which soften the tones of the paint and make the defects of the surfaces previously prepared for painting less noticeable. Matte coatings are obtained by reducing the amount of binder in the film, replacing it with an evaporating solvent and introducing matting additives into the compositions - waxes diluted in a solvent. Such coatings are beautiful, but their strength is low. When preparing oil paints for painting with matte compositions, the surfaces are primed with drying oil or paint and painted in one go with a fatty oil composition until glossy. In this case, the appearance of the prepared surface should be uniform. All alkyd paints and enamels are applied with a brush or roller, usually in two layers. Paint consumption per 1 square meter of surface (in one layer) is on average about 150 g. Paint consumption depends on the color and hiding power; for whitewash - not less than 200 g/m2.

