How to improve a complexionHow to improve complexionnegatively affecting the complexion, as well as the health of the whole organism, are "passionate love" to smoking, alcohol and chronic lack of sleep. We all more or less know how to deal with these "ailments". Better to dwell on nutrition. Products "for beautiful skin" Fish - contains oils and fats that nourish the skin. Flax grains are an excellent source of fatty acids that ensure skin health. Carrots, young potatoes, broccoli, spinach - contain Vitamin A, simply. essential for healthy skin. Hazelnuts and almonds - Vitamin E - prevents natural aging of the skin. From such simple products a specialized one has been created that allows you to tone the skin in a short time, give it a healthy look and internal radiance of beauty. Diet of "beautiful skin" Breakfast 1: skim milk-based porridge with one tablespoon of flax seeds mixed with blueberries; Orange juice Option 2: A cereal dish (such as corn or oat flakes) mixed with skim milk, strawberries, and one tablespoon of flaxseed. grapefruit juice Option 3: low-calorie muesli with one tablespoon of flax seeds and a mixture of dried fruits, mixed with yogurt; tomato juice with lemon.Lunch Option 1: A small portion of canned tuna, seasoned with one tablespoon of low-fat mayonnaise; fresh tomatoes, celery, carrots, green peppers, lettuce leaves; a slice of black bread with margarine in olive oil; a glass of skim milk Option 2: shrimp salad with grapefruit (see recipe below); fresh carrots, dry biscuits (cracker); a glass of skim milk; Option 3: Caesar salad with turkey (recipe see below); A small portion of salsa sauce with green, red and yellow pepper; a small glass of skim milk. Shrimp salad with grapefruit Fry the shrimp meat (about a dozen) for about 3 minutes on each side. After that, cool the meat. Mix olive oil (five tablespoons) with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice (100ml), add the salt and pepper to taste (to taste). Mix the chopped vegetables (50 g daikon, 2 tomatoes, one grapefruit, 150 g of green peas, half carrot, lettuce leaves), greens, shrimp meat; add the grapefruit mixture and lemon juice (6 tablespoons). Caesar salad with turkey Mix salad leaves with grated cheese (4 tablespoons), garlic (4 cloves) and salad dressing (3 tablespoons of vinegar or mayonnaise to taste), thinly sliced ​​turkey meat (150 g) and tomato (2 pcs. ), pepper (to taste). Salad put on four flour tortillas.Snack Fresh apples, oranges ortangerines, a mixture of nuts of different kinds, a small portion of yogurt with blueberries, raspberries or strawberries, several young carrots. Dinner. Option 1: tender beef meat with Dijon salad (recipe see below); A small portion of strawberry sherbet with the addition of other berries; green tea Option 2: pork chops with honey (recipe see below); a small portion of mashed potatoes; boiled steamed broccoli with olive oil and garlic; a small portion of yogurt with berries; green tea, Tender beef meat with Dijon saladTo make a basis for salad, mix olive oil (5 tablespoons), mustard (3 tablespoons), vinegar (3 tablespoons), garlic (1 cup chicken) and creamy in one container; In a large frying pan heat one tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat; Then add pieces of beef (450g, low-fat) and fry them for two to three minutes (until the surface of the meat does not lose its pink color). Do not overcook! Add half a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of pepper. Add the salad (leaves) to the meat and mix with the salad base; Serving meat with lettuce and croutons. Pork chops with honey Mix all the ingredients (55 ml of lemon juice, 85 g of honey, two tablespoons of soy sauce, one tablespoon of red wine or sherry, two crushed garlic cloves) in a small bowl; Put the pork (4 chops) in the marinade, close and keep in the freezer for four hours; Then pull the meat out of the marinade; Preheat this marinade in a small saucepan; Roast chops for 12-15 minutes (turn once), periodically watering them with marinade. Bon appetit and health!

