How to choose the right seedlingsPhoto: Thinkstock / FotobankOur consultant: agronomist, candidate of agricultural sciences Alexei Rybakov1. The plant is adapted for our climate. On sale in the market a lot of seedlings grown in the southern regions of our country and abroad. Such heat-loving guests will freeze slightly and bear fruit. Ask the seller nursery documents or invoices to make sure - the tree for our zone. We are also suitable for any seedlings from Nechernozemie, northern regions and Belarus.2. The younger, the better take root. Newbies usually think: the larger I buy a plant, the faster it will give birth. In fact, saplings of large size endure the stress of digging, storage and subsequent planting. However, this rule does not apply to plants with a closed root system - in a pot, you can buy them at almost any age, they will take root in almost 100% of cases.3. Roots must be protected. If the roots are open, broken, cut off and dried - do not take it, it is a waste of money. The roots of the plant must be moist and wrapped in an earthen mash that protects them from dehydration. When you go shopping, take with you a piece of film dipped in burlap and a piece of rope to wrap up and tie up a tree. Strong twigs and live bark. Very often, varietal seedlings have few leaves - no problem, they can be specially treated with special substances that cause falling off. This is done so that the plant does not evaporate the precious moisture before planting through the leaves. However, the available leaves will be juicy and elastic. The twigs should not be dried, broken off. Carefully pick the bark with your nail - in a living plant it will be elastic, and the layer under it will be green and moist.5. Smooth thick barrel. We examine the section of the trunk from the root to the first skeletal branch: it should be straight and level, the thickness of the two-year-old seedling should be at least 1.5 cm.6. Properly formed skeletal branches. Skeletal called the main, thick twigs, usually 3-4. Choose a seedling so that these twigs grow in different directions, then a smooth, beautiful crown of the tree will be formed. Pay attention to the angle of inclination of the branches in relation to the trunk. If it is 45 degrees or less, do not take a seedling. In the future, branches will bear fruit poorly and break off easily. Healed vaccination site. For grafted plants it is very important that the wound is completely overgrown, otherwise the infection easily penetrates there. The place of vaccination should not be tied up. Usually people are afraid to buy plants from private owners, but in vain. Many gardeners have excellent varietal collections in their gardens and sell seedlings of excellent quality. And when communicating, it is usually easy to distinguish such a person from a fraudster. Just ask the nursery documents, ask for a business card or phone number

