Photo: Getty Images1. Magnets on the refrigerator People with good taste will not hang the technique with this ceramic madness. In addition to bad taste, it is also a desire to demonstrate your consistency, the ability to travel. It's still good that you only post your own, and there are those who "travel" with colleagues, acquaintances and so on. If you treasure memories of travel, put your wealth in a box and indulge from time to time memories. Plastic buckets from under mayonnaise for rubbish In fact, all the garbage must be hidden from the eyes. Ideally, it should be taken out more often than once a day. But what to do when you seem to have enough of it not to accumulate in order to endure, but to go somewhere you need. And then come to the rescue of various disposable plastic containers and our favorite buckets of mayonnaise. And there is nothing bad in this, they turn to the enemy only when they are built somewhere in the washing area. Put it under it, and the problem will be solved. Wash washed polyethylene bagsYou will say, well, who does it? It turns out that there are such. For example, my ex-mother-in-law rinsed all the sachets from under the food and carefully hung them on the battery! And quite by the way, not because of concern for the environment, and even the savings here are questionable. It's just a habit from the past, when there were not so many packets as now. 5. A carpet on the wall. And not just on the wall. In general, the abundance of carpets gives out your provincial roots. Carpets performed many functions - both decorative, and thermal, and noise-proof. Now we deal with everything in completely different ways, but our passion for carpets is ineradicable. Surely, your parents still vacuum them every Saturday, and even in winter there is a whole ritual of carrying the carpet to the snow. And cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. And then they gladly put the carpet in place (instead of being taken to the trash) .4. Boiled water in an iron mugOh, so a two-liter mug with a white sediment on the bottom! But how much by the way she was in her childhood. It was poured water from the kettle to cool it. Sometimes, you'll come running from a walk with heated and half a liter of water at a time. Now, of course, the water in any containers, except for a neat decanter looks rough. A mug is still nothing, but many still have a habit of pouring water from a teapot into a three-liter jar ... 6. Horns Brown such elks in the hallway ... Multifunctional, by the way, a piece to hang a hat or keys. And it's better to give them back to the elk. Photo wallsWe were happy in principle during the deficit, if we just managed to buy wallpapers. And what was depicted on them was not so important. Everyone wanted beauty, but in the end it turned out to be a variegated absurdity. But in any case, wallpapers - it was cool, and now not very. 8. Kleenka on the table Macs, chamomiles, cups ... How many of them were different in our lives. On weekdays shabby, with traces of a knife ("Cut on the board, how many times did I tell you"!), And on holidays they put on a smart piece of knife. And in the holiday-holiday on top of it, and the cloth tablecloth - apparently, with the goal that if the syrup spills on the tablecloth, the table will not spoil it. Better the table in general, nothing, of course, do not cover, and each put a small napkin made of cloth or bamboo. Newspaper instead of a rug for shoesNightly, but practical! In the off-season he took off his shoes, took off his dirty shoes, and threw out the newspaper. I want to exclaim: "Well, why? When there is such a variety of pallets and rugs. Do not read the newspapers at all, so that there is no temptation to use them somehow after their use. Dishes on the towel This is about the same as what was discussed in the previous paragraph. There are also special trays absorbing rugs. And the dryer in the kitchen cupboard is designed for this purpose.
Photo: Getty Images11. Curtain on the doorway. Like the carpets, the curtains also had a function, apart from decorative. They protected the house from a draft, because the door was wooden and loosely adhered to the opening. And in a warm time from flies. It's unlikely that all this is bothering you, right? 12. Wet rag on the threshold. Washes the floors and so I want to accurately decompose the rag. How to imagine her wet - straight goose bumps! Stop, we do not go to feed the piglets. Boots can just be washed immediately. Patchwork on the chair This is our ineradicable love for carpets and rugs! In the patchwork cloths themselves, there is nothing wrong - they are cute and cozy. That's throw it at the doorstep (instead of the very wet rag) .14. CalendarYemu place near the desktop and preferably in the office. But you can not hang it in the kitchen, in the living room and anywhere. 15. Detergent in factory packagingIt's just plain ugly: plastic with bright inscriptions spoils your kitchen. Pour the detergent into a glass jar with a dispenser. And washing is so convenient, and the aesthetic side of your home will not suffer.
Top 5 tasteless things that still decorate our apartments:
16. Napkins on the TV17. TV remote in a plastic case18. Seedlings on windowsills19. Onions in nylon tights20. Panties or socks instead of a dish sponge