Law on the prohibition of propagandaAccording to the newAccording to the bill, anyone, whether an individual or a media outlet, including a magazine or a website, whose criminal incitement to death results in the victim will be imprisoned for up to three years and must pay a fine of seventy-two thousand dollars. If the victim of emaciation survives, the culprit will only face two years in prison. About forty thousand French women currently suffer from anorexia, and the vast majority of them are young women and teenagers. Note that anorexia is much less common in France than in other European countries, such as the UK. The author of the bill, Senator Valerie Boyer, argues that the law does not apply to those who go on a moderate diet. But those who drive people to emaciation and encourage the spread of this destructive disease must be held accountable. The bill will be discussed in the French parliament next week.