The television tower collapsed, huge treeswere pulled out with a root when the strongest hurricane hit the city. And although the wind speed in the state capital has reached 250 kilometers per hour, numerous churches have remained unscathed. The state's chief archaeologist noticed. That all the holy places built in the period from the VI to the XVII century were created in strict accordance with the traditional texts of temple architecture and were based on the principles of Vastu. The newspaper "Deccan chronicle", November 11, 1999, India, Bhubaneswar.VastuVastuOkolo three and a half thousand years agothe Indian ruler Chakra-Shari expelled the Buddhist monks from his country. The exiles brought to the neighboring countries the knowledge that formed the basis of Chinese medicine and the martial arts that laid the foundation for the now glorified Tibetan martial arts schools. The science of Vastu was transformed into Feng Shui. The non-existent demon Vastu-Purusha, the embodiment of unbridled chaotic energy, was created by Brahma. By curbing it with the help of other gods, Brahma completely subordinated it to his will and sent him to Earth, so that the rebel became "the master of all buildings and structures." The word "vastu" in Sanskrit means "to live, to dwell, to be." The knowledge system of Vastu takes into account the interaction of the Earth's electromagnetic fields, the gravitational field of the Moon, magnetic storms and the direction of the sides of the world, because all this has an invisible but very tangible impact on people's lives.Basic provisions of the Vastu

  • Cosmic energy moves from the northeast to thenorthwest. The earth rotates to the east. In the south-west corner there should not be any doors to block energy. It must circulate, and not stagnate.
  • The foundation of the building is its center, as a human heart. It should be free and not cluttered, otherwise heart diseases are possible.
  • The West is a direction that symbolizes silence and sunset, this direction is the best for children's bedrooms.
  • The South is an ideal place to sleep. The main entrance to the building should not be from the south.
  • The south-eastern part of the house is ideal for systemsheating and electrical appliances, it is this side that is associated with the element of fire. This is not the place of the bedroom: if the pair settles in the southeast, this leads to quarrels over trifles, and also provokes costs.
  • The southwestern part should be the most massiveand closed. Children's rooms should never be located in the south-western part of the house, which is associated with wisdom, otherwise the children will try to dominate the parents.
  • The north-western part of the house is a great place forall moving and changing, as well as for guests. This direction affects the relationship between people, patronizes change. In order for the family to get together more often, arrange a meeting place in the north-west.
  • The north-east is the direction of purity and spirituality. The north-eastern part of the room should always remain light and free from furniture. In no event shall the washroom be located in this area.
  • The space above the stove in the kitchen should beopen. Do not hang the gas trap directly above the stove, this prevents the smooth flow and circulation of the energies necessary for cooking. The walls of the kitchen are best painted in yellow, orange, brown or red, but not in white and black.
  • Find the differences! Arthur Smith, President of the London Academy, found the differences between Feng Shui and Vastu:

    • Vastu is based on the assertion that there is a Creator, and the basis of Feng Shui is "Nirvisesha" - the concept of God's non-existence.
    • Vastu considers four levels: physical, karmic, energy and spiritual. Feng Shui basically works with physical and energy levels.

    Next you will find an overview

