Design a small area
A green corridor leads to the outbuildings.In our conditions, ivy can be replaced with maiden grapes. Ten years ago, a Swede, Eija Nilsson, bought a cottage with a tiny plot of land near Gothenburg. 500 square meters is a ridiculous size for a garden. It seemed that everything was hopeless - there was a marshy lawn near the house and several cherry trees, mountain pines and one larch. The new owner's first step was to . The work began from scratch.
Do you have a plan?
Eya is a great neat freak, so the main thing for her isit has a rigid structure. The plot is located on a small slope, which the owner terraced, winning a few extra meters from nature. But visually the garden now seems much larger - it is not visible through and through, there are hidden corners where there are sun loungers, benches or simply beautiful flower beds, new views open up around every turn of the path. Eija has practically no straight paths - mostly winding ones, this also visually adds space to the plot. In addition, they are very diverse: paved with paving slabs, covered with pebbles, covered with wooden flooring. A green corridor covered with ivy leads to the outbuildings behind the house. And no monotony!There are no straight paths in the garden. And all are made of different materials.
Our rhododendron is difficult to grow, and ivy is impossible.
Cobblestone - a gardener's tool
But Eija's favorite material is stone.As a child, she spent every summer in Bohuslän, a rocky seaside resort in southern Sweden. Perhaps this explains her passion. Eija has many alpine slides, flower beds are bordered with stone, and many paths are laid out on the sides. For example, the path from the gate to the main entrance is edged with white cobblestones. The most beautiful ones are in plain sight. You simply won’t find bare earth on the plot. It’s not only beautiful, but also practical: the stone makes the composition clearer, and the garden looks neat at any time of year.Pots are convenient - it is easy to replace a flowering plant with another.
Eya sees a special beauty in ordinary stones.