Research has shown that the MediterraneanThe diet has many benefits and is extremely beneficial to health, in particular, it reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and prolongs life. The secret of the Italian diet - 1: Eat slowlyItalian cuisine recipes with photosItalian cuisine recipes with photosNot for anyoneIt is a secret that Italians, like other Mediterranean people, not only enjoy the process of cooking, but also relish the results of their culinary skills. They relax and socialize while eating, spending several hours a day at the table. However, even such a long stay at the dinner table does not lead to overeating and obesity. It is also obvious that typical Italian food is very different from what you can see on the menu of American Italian restaurants. The basis of authentic Italian cuisine is fruits, vegetables, beans, fish, poultry, olive oil, tomatoes, dairy products, red wine and very little beef and lamb. Italians usually start the day with a relatively small breakfast: coffee with milk (not with cream or cream and milk), porridge and a small pastry roll (cornetto). The lunch menu depends on personal preferences and geography, but usually includes a "first course" and a "second course", such as a sandwich and salad, or a small plate of pasta, a piece of fish or chicken and a serving of vegetables. Lunch is the main meal of the day, but it is not served too late (so that the food has time to digest). It is customary to serve for lunch: a small portion of fish or meat; vegetables; fruit and dessert. The preferred drink is mineral water, as well as a glass of red wine. All portions are usually small compared to the huge portions we are used to. Secret of the Italian Diet No. 2: Know how to stop when you are fullItalians don't count calories because they know how"We eat from our stomachs, not our heads, and because we dine leisurely, we get a signal that we're full and can simply enjoy a coffee and good company," says Stephano Gumina, MD. Stephano Gumina also credits Italians with being active, with their love of walking and cycling, especially in urban areas. Add to that a Mediterranean diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, fish several times a week, lean meat or chicken, whole-grain bread, olive oil and red wine. "All of this helps Italians live longer," he says. Italians also satisfy their sweet tooth with fruit rather than higher-calorie desserts. A typical Italian dessert is fighi e albicocce, fresh figs and apricots from the garden. In the southern regions of Italy, desserts such as Gelato (creamy and fruity handmade ice cream) are based on huge lemons. The secret of the Italian diet - 3: No diets! Diet is a concept completely foreign to Italians.So next time you feel liketreat yourself to a delicacy that has all the health benefits of Mediterranean cuisine. Skip the fried foods and creamy sauces with pasta. Instead, opt for a tomato salad, a simple vegetable pasta sauce, and olive oil. Season with spices, lemon, vinegar, capers, and other flavorful, low-calorie ingredients. “Mediterranean cuisine is not only incredibly healthy, it’s also incredibly delicious,” says K. Dun Gifford, president and founder of Oldways Preservation & Trust, which developed the Mediterranean food pyramid in 1993. “Wine and succulent, flavorful seafood are a luxury, a variety, and they’re also healthy.”

