Sea white perchPhoto: Press service archive

Baramundi (sea white perch) with herbs and lemongrass from Vladimir Khokhlov, the brand-chef of the restaurants of La Prima, La Provincia, La Taverna and La Panorama (Gourmet Alliance restaurant network)

If you can't find barramundi, you canbuy a more familiar sea bass. Clean the fish (about 0.5 kg) from scales and entrails, cut off the fins and remove the gills, rinse well and dry. Rub with sea salt and ground black pepper inside and out. Place on a large piece of foil and put thyme (4 g), lemongrass (3 g), peeled garlic clove (whole) inside, then fold the foil into an envelope and carefully pour white wine (100 ml) and Extra Virgin olive oil (40 g) into the fish. Then secure the foil so that the liquid does not leak out of the resulting bundle. Bake on coals for 15 minutes on each side. Any baked or fresh vegetables are suitable for garnish, it goes especially well with asparagus.

