Caesar salad classic photoCaesar salad classic photosalad has nothing to do with the great Roman emperor. This dish comes from North America, and is named after its creator - the cook of Italian origin Caesar Cardini, who owned several restaurants in the city of Tijuana (Mexico) in the 20-40s of the XX century. The history of the creation of this salad is similar to many super popular now dishes and can be characterized by just one phrase: "I blinded him from what was." For example, Australian biscuit and marzipan mass were created according to a similar principle. According to legend, the Caesar salad was invented by Cardini on July 4, 1924 (US Independence Day), when almost nothing was left in the restaurant kitchen, and visitors By the way:

  • The Secret of Mr. Olivier
  • How to cook Greek salad
  • Winter salads: ingredients, recipes

