Hello everyone, Elena Gustova and I are recruitinggroup in Moscow to work with. We invite those who wish. Here is the announcement: "A slave to food? Revolt of slaves! 12 meetings - a group of therapeutic support and rehabilitation. Based on materials from previous groups and just from life: “- Che - I got tired of constantly eating, getting fat and thinking ONLY ABOUT FOOD !!!!!!!! - And I always have more energy about what is nearby than about what COULD BE ANYWHERE WILL BE ... Ie. even if I want to change, but here next to me there is everything for me today - what the fuck is a goat button accordion ???? Yes, dreaming how it will be is a thrill, but to change something is to STEAM, WORK, EXERCISE, BE MISTAKED ... - I am fat, and my body is disgusting to me + WANT TO BE SLIM, SUCCESSFUL, FAVORITE !!!!!! And for this you need to STEAM, WORK, EXIST, BE MISTAKED .. But here's a bun - I WANT IT ALSO !!!!! Okay, I'll start tomorrow ... And I'll eat the bun now. - I don't have a beloved and loving person, there are no moments of intimacy and parting. And it's sad ... But there is a full refrigerator of high-quality, environmentally friendly products. It is calming. When he, an environmentally friendly man comes, with his proximity ... - And I seem to have a beloved ... But this is soooo headache !!!!!!! You need to talk to him, meet his expectations ... Move, sympathize ... What if it's all in vain ??? I try, I try, and one day he will just leave ... And I AM ONE AGAIN !!!!! - You mean, THIS IS ALL ABOUT FOOD ?! - I want to say that this is about love, about how we refuse to take risks - to love ourselves, to love others, and give all our passion to food ... Because food is TRUE to us. ALWAYS! -I want to be able to show my anger and expose my grievances, and at the same time remain VALUABLE in a relationship ... In the meantime, I only allow myself to do it alone with HER, WITH FOOD ... I am hiding in my big, soft, comfortable body ... And at the same time I HATE him !!!! This fat is a prison that deprives me of the freedom to become REAL - EASY, BOLD, JOY, ALIVE! - I want to have a FULL LIFE - and instead I have a FULL BODY ... WE DO IT - we invite you to the presentation of the psychological support and rehabilitation group on March 29 at 19.00. m. Fili. At the presentation you will get acquainted with the presenters, you will be able to ask your questions, try some methods of the program. The group will be held once a week, 12 meetings for three hours. Presenters: Elena Gustova - psychotherapist. Nickname on this forum: Elena Gustova http://forum.psychologies.ru/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2269 Lopatukhina Irina - psychotherapist. Nickname on this forum: lirina

