Demand deposit

Types of bank depositsTypes of bank depositsTake money to the bank andOpening a deposit means preserving savings from inflation, and possibly even increasing them. Banks offer various deposits – the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice. Pros

  • You can withdraw money at any time. This is convenient if you do not know exactly when you will need a certain amount for a purchase.
  • Cons

  • Interest rates are low: from 0.1 to 1% per annum.
  • Fixed-term deposit


  • By investing large amounts and for a long time, you can get good interest;
  • the interest rate under the terms of the agreement remains the same for the entire term of the deposit, even if the bank's interest rates change;
  • By opening a term deposit with an extension (prolongation) of the agreement, you will be able to extend the deposit under the original terms even after the end of the agreement.
  • Cons

  • You will have to part with the money for a certain period of time – a month, a quarter, six months, a year or two, etc.;
  • interest rates on deposits for periods of less than one year are below the inflation rate;
  • If you want to return the money before the deadline, you will be charged interest at a reduced rate.
  • Euro, dollars, rubles

  • It is better to open a deposit in the currency in which youare going to spend the money you invested. If you are planning to vacation in a country where the euro is in use, open a deposit in euros; if you are planning a trip to the USA, invest dollars.
  • If your main goal is to save money from inflation, opt for a ruble deposit - at the moment it is the most profitable.
  • If you absolutely do not trust your native rubles, open a deposit in euros. It is less unprofitable than a dollar one.
  • What is the percentage?

    Fixed and floating interest ratesThe first will not change during the term of the agreement, no matter what happens. But the bank has the right to change the second, however, it must warn you about it in advance. A floating rate is better because the interest on it is usually higher than on a fixed rate. "Simple" and "compound" interest In the first case, interest is accrued on the amount you deposited during the entire term. Moreover, you can withdraw interest at any time. In the case of "compound" interest, capitalization of the deposit occurs, when interest is accrued first on the deposited amount, the following month - on the amount with interest, etc. This type of deposit is the most profitable, but there is one “but”: you can withdraw interest only at the end of the contract term. Interest rates on time depositsBankDepositMinimum amountTermRate (% per annum)RublesDollarsEurosRublesDollarsEurosImpexbankImpex-classic3,0001001001 year of MoscowNew capital30,00010001000from 1 year to 1.5 years8.76.76.3RaiffeisenbankTerm deposit15,0005005001 year 4.552.75VTB 24Targeted10,000 5005001 year and 1 month7.56.15.6SberbankReplenishable deposit10003003001 year and 1 month7.56.15.6In the following article you will find varieties of fashionable

