A photo: Getty A man primarily eats with his eyes and nose. Sexual image of a male makes a man a meat eater. The hunter must eat his prey! The peasant should have a lot of food, and she should smell good and active! Let's go on the contrary. Not from the nasty man, but contrary to logic!
1/2Food should be tasty…Photo: baryshnyaikulinar.ruDishes are prepared with love…Photo: baryshnyaikulinar.ru
So, to your attention - a tasteless male dozen
1. LeavesAny leaves. Salad, beetroot.Spinach and arugula! To hell with green salad! Dressing doesn't matter! And the sound of a fork scraping on a plate is incredibly annoying. 2. Oatmeal on water I singled this out of all the porridges because I don't like it, but I eat it for the good! Many people do it out of necessity these days. But a man can and should only cook this "food" for himself. And eat it alone, or at most - with children, giving them a positive example of "proper nutrition". 3. The cutlets are tasteless!
- Carrot. About them Ilf and Petrov have already written everything in 1927. There is nothing to add. Read the Twelve Chairs.
- Hepatic. Liver itself is not the most favorite product of many, and in the form of milled - an absolute bust.
- Fish (especially steamed)! No taste, no smell, no appearance!
(The same applies to steamed fish.White tasteless silence. And with bones, too. Considering the fact that few can use a fish knife, and dirty hands are a must). 4. Cod liver salad A lot of oil and nothing! Plus not the best childhood memories. 5. Seaweed and everything connected with it! Green at best, and often gray-brown-brown, smelly and wet! Brrrrr! 6. Abomasum and tripe (aka scar) Just from the dictionary... Abomasum itself is a dried and processed part, namely the fourth section of the four-chambered stomach of a ruminant animal, which produces a special enzyme that curdles milk at a neutral reaction. Have you read it? Will you eat it? That's what I'm talking about! Tripe or scar is the front part of a cow or bull's stomach (the first forestomach). The offal looks like grayish pieces with noticeable villi. Sometimes part of the second forestomach, the so-called reticulum, is sold together with it. It differs from the offal by the presence of smooth squares on the mucous membrane instead of villi. What's that like? You haven't smelled it yet! 7. Pearl barley, millet, barley groats, Artek Army porridge. Real men served and ate their fill of them in their youth. For the rest of their lives. 8. Brains A man doesn't eat brains! No comment! Eating brains is the prerogative of the fair half of humanity. 9. Bull or ram eggs Testicles in a decent way! This dish is considered a show-off food. Most of those who eat and praise it are pretending! Or maybe out of solidarity... 10. Pumpkin porridge Pumpkin is not held in high esteem by today's city men. And turnips and rutabagas too! It gives off a village feel. It's not comme il faut. And in vain! 11. I served a couple of years in the Soviet army. I had a soldier in my platoon, Yaroslav Sinkovsky. He loved boiled lard, fortunately there was plenty of it in the army: for breakfast instead of meat in porridge, for lunch instead of meat in soup. So, when Yaroslav ate this lard with his hands and enjoyed it, everyone turned away! They couldn't look at it! Even the constant army feeling of hunger never made me take THIS in my mouth during 717 days of service! 12. Fugu fish It's just scary. Do you know how to cook it? Well, I won't risk it either! We can throw in the towel. Exotics - spiders, cockroaches and other insect-like creatures - have been left out of our subjective analysis. Let them live for now! We also felt sorry for cream soups, kissels and other opaque and gelatinous dishes. Well, we are not animals! And we forgot about the foam from milk, and about steamed vegetables, and fried blood! We did not say a word about the udder (banner, seed, burden, tribe, flame, name, time, stirrup, crown). Kalmyk tea with butter, fried herring, boiled cucumbers, crab sticks also remained outside the affected area! For now, for the time being! And these are far from all the gaps in our analysis - You can't eat the immensity! And one more remark. A person has only two real creative biological joys given to him from above. Sex and food. Keep this in mind! Don't listen to anyone! Cook with love. And then even the most tasteless food can become a culinary masterpiece. Tested on myself and my loved ones! Don't be afraid and don't be shy! Grannies, my dears! Feed your men, and you will be rewarded! Read more: