Anti-cellulite dietAnti-cellulite dietIf you suffer from«orange peel effect», know that you are not alone - approximately 90% of the female population of the planet is subject to this scourge, although it is more common among residents of Europe and America. Moreover, cellulite does not discriminate who to strike: a fat woman or a model, an heiress to a multi-million dollar empire or a girl from a large family - even celebrities are not protected from this scourge. Paris Hilton, Sienna Miller and Jerry Hall - these are just a few stars in whom the picky public has discovered this cosmetic defect (thanks to the paparazzi). What is cellulite? Cellulite is just deposits, but with age, the fibers connecting the skin to the muscles shrink and thicken, as a result of which small lumps can be guessed under the skin. The multi-billion dollar beauty industry has rushed to take advantage of this common problem - in any cosmetic store in any corner of the world you will certainly find an anti-cellulite product - lotion, cream or even pills. But is there an easier and cheaper way to get rid of cellulite? Giving up your favorite food and constantly undereating are unlikely to solve this problem, but proper nutrition, drinking (you probably guessed it) plenty of water and regular fitness will eventually give a noticeable result. Anti-cellulite dietSo, it's time to forget about chips, cakes andhot dogs - if, of course, you really want to get rid of the "orange peel". Although cellulite affects both plump and thin women equally, this problem is more acute for overweight people. However, you should not go to extremes and go on a too strict diet - too intense weight loss will lead to a loss of muscle tissue, which will only emphasize all the unevenness. The main thing is a balanced diet. Diet: recommended products You can eat your fill of fiber-rich foods - beans, lentils, fruits, vegetables, black bread, pasta and spaghetti and brown rice; lean meat - chicken and turkey, as well as fried or baked fish. You can also include low-calorie yogurt and milk in your daily diet, but in moderation, as well as pumpkin and sunflower seeds and nuts - sources of healthy fats. Try to eat natural foods that are as easy to prepare as possible, i.e. not your usual breakfast of sandwiches. Diet: Prohibited Products Avoid refined foods like refined sugar, white bread, white rice and pasta, fatty meats and products containing hydrogenated fats, such as cakes and pastries, like the plague. The "right foods" usually contain a lot of fiber or are diuretics (help remove excess fluid from the body), i.e. they help remove toxins from the body. And the "wrong foods" simply block the toxins inside. Fitness classes against celluliteDo some sports - and your bodywill thank you by burning off all those unwanted fat reserves. It’s great that you’re doing walking, cycling and other cardiovascular exercises, but don’t forget about the muscle strain. Fitness expert Dax Moy is a firm believer in strength training at least three times a day. In his opinion, given that we have over 600 muscles in our body, it’s just stupid to strain one muscle group to the point of exhaustion, while leaving the others inactive.

