In anorexia there is nobody to blameAnorexia symptomsAnorexia symptoms do not mean thatparents raised their child incorrectly. Cultural, genetic, and personal factors interact closely with life events, creating fertile ground for the onset and development of psychological eating disorders.Nothing pleasant in anocresia Many people on grueling diets recklessly claim that they dream of anorexia. They see only the obvious manifestation of this disease - excessive thinness, but they do not notice the full danger of this "fashionable" disease. People with anorexia are not at all proud of their ideal figure and do not feel unimaginably beautiful; if you talk to such a person, you will learn a lot of new things about him - for example, that a girl weighing 55 kilograms with a height of one meter and eighty considers herself fat, unattractive and unstable. Anorexia patients suffer from a never-ending feeling of their own imperfection, they are scared and cornered by their fears.This is not a disease that reminds you of yourselfonce a month. Consciousness of patients with anorexia does not belong to them, they can not control their feelings. Such people are literally obsessed with thoughts about weight, food, extra calories and the image of their own body. Many illnesses torment even in a dream - they are haunted by nightmares, obsessive dreams about food and nutrition. And in a dream, the poor sufferers and sufferers continue to count calories and to be horrified by 100 grams. Anorexia is a terrible disease that tears out its victim from normal life and condemns it to loneliness. Anorexia is very difficult to cure. Sometimes it takes years to struggle with it. Anorexia can lead to death. Anorexia has the highest mortality rate among patients suffering from psychological illnesses. If you or your friends have symptoms of an eating disorder, act promptly - ask your doctor for help. Specific Anorexia Symptoms Anorexia nervosa is primarily characterized by an unwillingness to maintain weight consistent with its constitution, age and height. To be precise, the normal weight of a person should be 85% or less of the percentage of weight that is considered standard for a person of this constitution, age and height. As a rule, the victim of anorexia constantly feelsunrelenting fear of getting better and gaining weight, and this fear completely blocks all other feelings and emotions. This fear does not count with the real weight of a person, and does not let go of its victim even when it is on the threshold of death from exhaustion. First of all, the causes of anorexia are found in low self-esteem, which is also one of the main symptoms of this severe disease. A patient with anorexia believes that his weight, shape and size parameters are directly related to self-awareness and personal status. Victims of the disease often deny the seriousness of their condition and can not objectively assess their own weight. Another symptom characteristic of women is the violation of the menstrual cycle and the absence of at least three menstrual periods in a row. In particular, a woman is diagnosed with "amenorrhea" (absence of menstruation), if her monthly starts only after hormonal therapy (for example, estrogen administration). There are two types of behavior in anorexia nervosa:

  • Restrictive - the patient voluntarily restricts food intake and does not eat up to the dump, and then provokes vomiting.
  • Cleansing - the patient eats, and then provokes vomiting or abusers of laxatives, diuretics or enemas.

In contrast to depression or panic attacks,Anorexia nervosa is difficult to treat. There is no universal and effective medicine against this disease. First and foremost, doctors prescribe general-purpose medicines that are used to treat any health problems, for example, electrolysis abnormalities or heart rhythm disturbances. Antidepressants. Many patients with anorexia nervosa also suffer from depression, and some symptoms of these diseases can be eliminated with antidepressants. However, there is no evidence to prove the effectiveness of antidepressants in the treatment of anorexia. Moreover, antidepressants can have various side effects that will only exacerbate the condition of the patients. Studies have shown that the treatment of anorexia is much more effective when the weight of patients approaches the norm. Tranquilizers. A short-term effect of tranquilizers called benzodiazepines can help anorexic patients overcome anxiety. These drugs are addictive, so do not use them to treat patients with drug or alcohol dependence. Estrogen. Women with anorexia are at increased risk of cracking; this is the result of osteoporosis. Absence of menstruation and low weight can provoke a condition close to early menopause. There is an opinion that taking estrogen can help some women make up for the lack of minerals in their bones and prevent the formation of cracks in the future. In cases where anorexia is accompanied by a serious illness, and when the weight of the patient falls repeatedly and is less than 15% of normal weight, urgent hospitalization is needed.

