What give yoga classes to kids

Any exercises with the child should be done in a playful form. Asanas are best suited for this, since many body positions are tied to animal postures, such as the frog or cat posture.yoga for childrenYoga for children allows the baby to improvecoordination of motions Photo: GettyAsan develop a baby, he is more attentive to his body. Studies have shown that static poses affect the cognitive functions of the child, improve immunity, strengthen ligaments, make the spine flexible. In addition to this exercise:

  • introduce the possibilities of the body;
  • form the right attitude to their health;
  • create a beautiful posture;
  • develop the flexibility of the body;
  • strengthen the muscles;
  • improve the plasticity of body movement;
  • develop fantasy.

Group games unite children, improve the communicative abilities of children.

Exercises for beginners with 3 years

Small children are willing to play in class. Static poses need to be combined with sound design. In the pose of the cat, babies like meowing, in the lion's pose - growl. Kapuzy can keep attention on one object for no more than 8 minutes. They do not perceive the tasks by ear, but they well copy the positions of the body. Lessons of interest to children consist of the following parts:

  • Directly asanas: "mountain", "triangle", "camel", "cat", "plow", etc. At this age it is important not so much to keep the accuracy of the poses, as to develop the motor activity.
  • Combination of breathing with exercises. Instructions should be brief and understandable: "raise the handles, inhale."
  • Alternation of silence and sounds: "Let's listen to the sound of the wind, and now let's roar like a lion."
  • Singing the soothing sounds of "aum" and "ouah."
  • Counting out loud during static poses, which helps kids keep balance.
  • Completion of each position is "a shchasasana" - a pose of complete relaxation. Children lie with their eyes closed, and the guide tells them that they are on a sandy beach or bathe in the sea.
  • Drawing pictures, which children then exchange or bring to parents.

Children are ready to listen to such magic lessonsfairy tales and funny stories, start games or depict the sounds of animals. Include their imagination, let them invent asanas and perform them. An exciting Indian gymnastics is useful to kids. They behave naturally, because they have not accumulated more adult complexes and are able to enjoy the live game.

