Mikhail Altukhov, member of the KVN team "Project X", curator of the KVN teams

1 / 2Photo: personal archivePhoto: personal archive One of the youngest KVNschikov Yaroslavl Michael says about himself that he is an average teenager, but Woman's day is sure that this is far from true! Michael is very talented! He not only comes up with foolhardy jokes, but also draws well! How did you get into KVN? "In KVN I got spontaneously. In the already formed KVN team of my school, the main actor was ill before the responsible game, and since I looked like him, I was asked to replace him. It turned out that I had better actor's data, and I became the main actor. "What do you do when you do not play in KVN?" I do not do anything special in my spare time. Learning, work, parties, etc. ". As usual, you answer the phrase" You are KVNschik, but now-joke! "" For 6 years I learned to ignore such questions, or at least competently evade them. "Did you wake up in the middle of the night from the fact that a brilliant joke came to mind? "In the middle of the night - no. But it happened that at a very inopportune time I had to look for where to write a joke. "How do you get out of tricky situations? And are there such interesting stories that you can tell? "There were not any particularly tricky, perhaps. Maximum, on the stage, someone forgot the words. In such cases it is best to improvise if you are confident in yourself, of course. Better yet, prepare so that this does not happen. "

