It is easiest to detect enlarged lymph nodes forears. They look like a ball under the skin, the size of a pea to a chicken egg. During probing, they slip away from under your fingers. The child feels pain at the same time.the baby has a lymph nodeIf your child has enlarged lymph nodes, you should immediately consult a doctor. Photo: Getty

Because of what there can be the increased lymphonoduses at the child

Когда узел увеличивается с одной стороны, а с the other is not palpable at all, which means the cause is a local infection. Bilateral enlargement of the lymph nodes indicates a general inflammatory process in the body. The most common causes are:

  • Infection through cat's scratches with saliva of the animal.
  • Reaction to routine vaccination.
  • Allergic reaction. Additional symptoms: nasal congestion, cough, swelling.
  • Infectious diseases: influenza (ARVI), rubella, tonsillitis, chicken pox and others.

When the lymph nodes are enlarged by one of thesereasons, it is easily established when examined by a doctor. With the recovery of the child, the lymph nodes come back to normal. But sometimes the reasons are much more serious. During diseases that lead to a weakening of immunity, the lymph nodes begin to actively produce new cells to protect the body and increase in size. What other serious diseases lead to an increase in lymph nodes:

  • Toxoplasmosis. Also causes fever, seizures, headache, symptoms of food poisoning. The spleen and liver are enlarged.
  • Mononucleosis. Because of it in the lungs mucus accumulates, there is a pain in the throat, severe headaches.
  • Systemic lupus causes a malfunction in the immune system of the body, there is weakness and pain in the muscles, a rash on the face.
  • Lymphangitis caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus. Ill children more often up to three years.
  • AIDS virus.
  • Oncological diseases.

All these diseases can lead to irreversibleconsequences if they are not found on time and do not start treatment. Therefore, having noticed the enlarged lymph nodes, it is necessary to be surveyed as soon as possible by specialists.

Diagnostics for enlarged lymph nodes

To make an accurate diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe the following procedures:

  • Deployed blood tests.
  • Ultrasound examination.
  • The Mantoux test.
  • X-ray.

The most accurate diagnosis can be madea sample of lymphatic fluid taken by puncturing a lymph node. This is an unpleasant but very informative procedure. After establishing the exact cause of the disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment. There is no point in trying to treat lymph nodes on your own, since they only signal a disease inside the body. Self-medication can only waste time. As the child recovers from the underlying disease, the lymphatic system also returns to normal. Read more:

