Is it possible to x-ray infants and when it is prescribed

X-ray examination or scanbody using electromagnetic waves, carried out to identify hidden pathologies. The waves freely penetrate through the tissue and all the defects invisible to the simple eye appear on the received image.x-ray to babiesX-ray infants prescribed only forvital indications. Photo: Getty Doctors very carefully prescribe an x-ray to infants. But there are cases when it is difficult to make a diagnosis without such an examination, and to conduct a course of timely treatment. These pathologies include:

  • injuries resulting from childbirth;
  • nasal injuries, although exposure to the baby’s head is undesirable;
  • purulent pathologies of the nasal sinuses, nasopharynx;

The course of these diseases threatens the life of infants. Therefore, timely diagnosis and proper treatment is the key to the health of the newborn. How many times and when to conduct an x-ray doctor decides, taking into account the severity of the child's condition.

How do x-rays babies

For the procedure, please contactqualified specialists in the centers with modern medical equipment. With children under 12 years old, the parent remains in the office, who puts on a special protective apron. The body of the baby, except for the part with the pathology, is also closed with cloaks that are impermeable for irradiation. The thyroid gland, testicles (boys), pelvic organs (girls) should never be exposed to radiation. They are always closed.

Harm and effects of X-ray examination

The possibility of adverse effectsX-ray exposure is. It is small, but still exists. Parents should know that it is the doctor who takes responsibility for the need for the procedure. He decides how much the establishment of the correct diagnosis exceeds the possible risk of exposure. Modern equipment of diagnostic centers allows to reduce the time of exposure of the baby and minimize the risk of adverse effects. It is necessary to adequately assess the passage of X-rays for a newborn. But it is also useful to recall that modern life in megalopolises with a high radiation background, radiation from household appliances and computers every day creates the risk of receiving much more radiation than from x-rays.

